Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/314

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To godly Gains; and anent anither that was ower muckle pitten his sel forrit.

THE Elder tae Gaius the weel-lo'ed, wham I lo'e truly.

2. Beloved, I pray that in a' things ye may he prosperin, and be in health; e'en as ye are prosperin in yere saul.

3. For I was blythe whan the brethren cam, and bure witness to yere aefauldness, e'en as ye are walkin in aefauldness.

4. Greater joy has I nane than that I soud be hearin o' my bairns, gauging i' the truth.

5. Beloved, a thing o' faith are ye doin, whatsae ye are doin for the brethren—and to them being fremd folk t'ye.

6. Wha. testify't afore the Kirk to yere love; wham ye sal do weel to set forrit on their journey, in a way wordie o' God.

7. For in behauf o "The Name" they gaed forth, takin naething frae thae ootside.

8. We, than, soud susteen sic as thir, that we may be fellow-workers wi' the truth.

9. I wrate somewhat to the Kirk, but he wha is fain to be heid amang them—Diotrephes—bids me nae welcome.

10. Whaur-for, gin aiblins I come, I wull has in mind his warl-rs that he dis, wi' ill-words misca'in us; and, no content wi: thir things, he naither bids welcome the brethren, nor hands free castin oot o' the Kirk thae that are sae disposed.

11. Beloved, pit-ye-na on that whilk is ill, but that whilk is gude. The weel-doer is o' God; the ill-doer hasna seen God.

12. A' hae borne witness to Demetrius; and the truth itsel. We too, gie witness, and ye ken nor witness is true.

13. Mony things had I to write ye; but I am-na ready wi' ink-and-pen to be writin t'ye;

14. But I am hopin belyve to see ye, and we will speak mou' to mou'. Peace be t'ye. The freends salute ye. Salute ye the freends by name.