Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/30

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The hunner sheep.
The ungratefu' servant.

for ye to enter intil life wi' ae ee, raither than wi' twa sen to be cuisten intil hell-fire!

10. "Tak tent that ye lichtliena ane o' thir wee anes; for say I t'ye, that in Heeven their sin An els aye look upon my Heevenlie aither's face!

11. "For the Son 0' Man has come to save thae that war lost.

12. "Noo, hoo think ye, yersels? Gin a man has a hunner sheep, and ane o' them is gane awa, dis he no lea' the ninety-and-nine, and gang intil the mountains, seekin the ane forwander't?

13. "And gin sae be that he lichts on't, truly say I t'ye, he is blyther ower that sheep than ower the ninety-and-nine that gaed-na awa.

14. "E'en sae. thar is nae desire afore yere Faither in Heeven that ane o' thir wee anes soud be lost.

15. "And gin yere brither-man sin again ye, gang to him, and schaw him his faut atween you and him alane: gin he harken to ye, ye has won yere brither-man.

16. "But gin he winna harken to ye, than tak wi' ye ane or twa mair, sae that at the mooth o' twa or thrie witnesses, ilk word may be [1] made siccar.

17. "And in aihlins he winna hear them, tel it to the kirk; and gin he winna hear the kirk, than lat him be to ye as a frem'd ane, or ane o' the tax-men.

18. "Truly ea I t'ye, whatsoe'er ye bind fast on t e yirth, sal be bun' fast in Heeven; and what ye lowse on yirth sal be lowsed in Heeven.

19. "And ance mair say I t'ye, that gin twa 0' e mak it up on the yirth what ye sa ask for, it sal be dune for them by my Faither in Heeven.

20. "For whaur the twa or the thrie are forgather't i' my name, thar am I i' the mids' 0' them."

21. Then Peter comes forrit till him, and quo' he, "Lord, hoo aft may my brither-man sin again me, and I maun forgie himl Seeven times?"

22. Jesus said to him, "I say t'ye, No till seeven times, but seeventy times and seeven!

28. "And see is the Kingdom 0' Heeven like to a certain king wha wad hae a reckonin wi' his servants.

24. "And whan he had begude to reckon, ane was brocht till him wha was awn him ten thoosan' talents.

25. "And haein nocht to pay, his maister order't him to be se Pt. and his wife, and weans, and a' that he had; and payment to be made.

26. "The servant than fell doon and worshipp't him, cryin, 'Lord, thole ye wi' me, and I wull pay ye a'!'

27. "Than, moved wi' pitie, that servant's lord lowsed him, and forgae him the debt.

28. "And that same servant, gaun oot, fand ane 0' his fellow-servants wha was awn him a hunner pennies; and he laid haud 0' him, and grippit him by the hauss, cryin, 'Pay me what ye are awn!'

29. "And his fellow-servant fell doon at his feet, and besocht him: 'Thole ye wi' me, and I wull pay ye a!'

30. "And he wadna, but gsed and had him cuisten intil prison, till he soud pay what was awn.

3]. "aue when his fellow-servants saw what was dune, they war unco was, and cam and tell't their maister a' that was dune.

32. "Than his lord ca'd for him, and quo' he to him, 'O, ye ill-deedie servant! I forgae ye a' that debt, for that ye did beseech me:

33. "'Soud-ye-na had rewth on yere fellow-servant, e'en as I had mercie on oyu?'

34. "An his lord was sair anger't,

  1. V. 16. Gin he has wrang'd ye, and confesses his fant afore a neebor, he'll no he tempit to is' awa free it eftir. Whiles Sautsn, in sic cases, moves a "reconsideration." Dinna second his motion!