Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/26

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What fyles the man?
The Canaanite-wumman.

THAN cam Writers and Pharisees 0' Jerusalem to Jesus; and quo' they,

2. "Hoo is't yere disciples mindna the biddins o' the faithers o' auld? For they eat breid wi' unweshin hauns."

3. But he answer't them, and quo' he, "Hoo is't that ye too gang contrar to God's commaun wi' yere biddens?

4. "For God commandit, 'Honor faither and mither,' and, 'Wha bans faither or mither, lat him dee!'

5. "But ye say, 'Wha says till his {either or his mither, It is a'[1] devotit, ocht that ye micht hae by me;

6. "'He sal do nocht to mainteen his faither or his mither.' Sae has ye brocht God's commaun to nocht by yere biddens.

7. "Ye fause anes! Esaiah weel foretel't 0' you, sayin,

8. "'This folk come nar me wi' their mou', and gie me honor wi' their lips, but their heart is far awa!

9. "'But a' in vain worship they me. layin down for rules the biddens 0' men."

10. And he ca'd till him the folk, and quo' he to them, "Hear yo, and understaun!

11. "It isna what gangs intil the mooth that fyles the man; but what comes oot o' the mooth that fyles the man!"

12. Than cam his disciples, and quo' they, " Kenn'st thou the Pharisees war ill-pleased, whan they heard yon sayin?"

13. But he said, "Ilka plant no 0' my Heevenlie Faither's plantin, sal be uprutit.

14. "Lat abee! they're but blin' leaders 0' the blin'! And gin the sichtless airt the sichtless, haith sal fa' iutil the sheugh."

15. Then up-spak Peter, and quo' he, "Expone to us the parable I"

16. And Jesus says, " Are ye e'en yet wantin knowledge?

17. "Div ye no ken, that whate'er may gang in at the mouth, fin's its way iutil the paunch, and is cuisten oot intil the sewer?

18. "But thae things whilk come frae the mouth, come oot frae the heart, and they fyle the man!

19. "For frae the heart come oot ill—thochts, bludeshed, adulteries, lecherie, thievin, fause-sweerin, blasphemies;

20. "Thir things fyle a man; but to eat wi' hauns unpurify't fyles-na a man!"

21. And Jesus gaed thence, and cam to the pairts 0' Tyre and Sidon.

22. And see! a Canaanite wumman cam oot frae thae pairts, and cry't oot till him; and quo' she, "Has pitie on me, 0 Lord, thou Son 0' Dauvid! my dochter is sair vex't wi' a demon!"

23. But he answer't her no a word. And his disciples cam and entreatit him, and quo' they, "Send her awa, for she skreighs eftir us!"

24. But he answer't, and said, "I wasna sent, but to the forwanderin sheep o' Isra'l's hoose!"

25. And she cam nar, and worshipp't him, sayin, "Lord! help me!"

26. But quo' be, "It isna bonnie to tak bairns' breid, and to cast it to the dowgs!"

27. And she said, "Even sae, Lord! yet the vera dowgs eat 0' the mools fa'in frae the maisters buird!"

28. Than answer-'t Jesus till her, "Eh, wumman! yere faith is great! Lat it be till ye as ye wull!" And her dochter was made hale frae that 'oor.

29. And Jesus gaed awe frae that place, and came nar to the Loch o' Galilee; and gaed up iutil a mountain, and sut him doon.

  1. V. 5. The awfu' selfishness o' a man telling his puir fsither that he has devotit a' to God, and sae canna fend him—and the Pharisees ssyin it was a' proper—is weel condemned here. The faither's buird was bare: but the son': heart grew stone—a waur ill to dree!