Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/24

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The pearl o' a' price.
Herod slays John.

gaither't and burnt i' the fire, sae sal it be at the end o' the warld.

41. "The Son o' Man sal send oot his Angels, and they sal gaither oot o' his kingdom a' things that ensnare, and a' that do ill ;

42. "And sal cast them intil the lowin furnace; there sal be maenin and cherkin o' teeth!

43. "Than sal the richtous glint forth like the sun, i' their Faither's Kingdom. Wha has hearin to hear, lat him hear!

44. "Ance again: The Kingdom o' Heeven is like to gear, hidlins in a field; the same, when a man has fund, he hides again, and for the joy o't gangs and niffers' a' that he has, and buys that field.

45. "Again, the Kingdom o' Heevan is like to a tradin-man, seekin precious pearls;

46. "Wha, whan he has fund as pearl o' a' price, gaed and sell't a' he had, and coft it.

47. "Again, the Kingdom o' Heevan is like a net cuisten intil the sea, and it gaither't o' a' kinds:

48. "Whilk, when it was fu', they barl't tae the shore, and they sut them doon and waled oot the gude intil creels, but cuist the bad awa.

49. "Sue sal it be at the end o' the warld: the Angels sal come forrit and wale oot the wicked frae amang the gude;

50. “And sal cast them into the lowin furnace: there sal he maenin and cherkin o' teeth!”

51. And quo' Jesus to them: "Hae ye understude a' thir things?” Quo' they till him: "Aye, Lord!”

52. Than said he to them, "Ilka scribe wi' the lear o' the Kingdom o' Heeven, is like till ans that is heid o' a hoose, wha can fesh oot o' his presses things baith new and auld."

53. And it cam aboot, that whan Jesus had made an end o' his parables, he gaed free that place.

54. And whan he was come intil his ain kintra-side, he was teachin them i' their ain kirk, sae that they war astonish’t, and quo' they: "Whaur t this man this wisdom, and thir ferlies?

55. "Isna this the wricht's son? And isna his mother ca'd 'Mary'? And his brithers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judah?

56. "And his sisters, arena they a' wi' us? Frae whaurawa, than, has this man thir things ?"

57. And they took a scunner at him. But Jesus said to them: "A Prophet is nevir wantin honour, binna it be in his ain kintra-side, and amang his ain folk."

58. And he wrocht-na mony wanner-warks thar, because o' their un-believin.

Herod slays John. Breid i' the wilderness, Christ's fit-road on the sea.

ABOOT that time Herod, the King-Depute, heard a' that was said aboot Jesus.

2. And quo' he to them o' his hoosehauld, "This maun be John the Baptist; he is risen frae the deid ; and sae div thir pooers schaw theirsels in him."

3. For Herod had grippit John,and putten him in bonds; and cuist him intil prison for the sake o' Herodias, wife o' his brither Philip.

4. For John said till him: "It is no alloo’d for ya to hae her!"

5. And whan he wad hae putten him to deid. he was fley't o' the people, for they reckon'd him a Prophet.

6. But whan Herod's birthday cam, the daughter o' Herodias danced in the mids o' them a', and glamor'd Herod.

7. Whauron, he sware to gie her onything she micht speir.

8. And she, bein set on by her mither, said: "Gie me here John Baptist’s heid, on an aschet!"

9. And the king was was; but for the sake o' his aiths, and for the