Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/20

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Christ's yoke cannie.
Pu'in corn on Sabbath.

Wae comes till ye, Bethsaida! for gin in Tyre and Sidon had been dune sic wunner-warks as were dune in you, they wad hae repentit lang syne in tow-claith and assis!

22. "But say I t'ye, it sal be mair tholeable for Tyre and Sidon at the day o' Judgment nor for you!

23. "And ye, Capernaum! Till Heeven are ye to be raised? Till hell sal ye be dung doon! for gin the stark: dune in you had been dune in Sodom, it wad hae been to the fore to this day!

24. "But say I t'ye, It sal be mair tholeable for a Land o' Sodom in the day o' Judgment nor for you!"

25. At that time Jesus spak, and said: "I gie thee thanks, o Faither, Lord o’ Heaven and Yirth! that thou did hide thir things frae the wyss and the discernin, and did schaw them till weans!

26. "Aye, Faither! for see it was gude in thy sicht!

27. "A' things are gien to me o' my Faither. And nane weel-kens the Son but the Faither allenarlie, and name weel-kens the Faither but only the Son, and he the Son wull schaw him till.

28. "Come ye to me, a' ye wha toil and moil wi' heavy burdens, and I wull gie you rest!

29. "Tak my yoke upon ye, and learn ye 0' me: for I am meek and lown-heartit, and ye sal fin’ rest tae yer sauls.

30. "For my yoke is cannie; and my burden licht."


Graun teachin—in field, kirk, and hooae; but ill-mou'd, thrawart scholars.

AT sic a time Jesus gaed on the Sabbath-day throws the corn; and his disciples war yap, and begude to tak haud o' the heids o' the corn, and to eat.

2. But whan the Pharisees saw't, quo' they till him, !See! yer disciples are doin what’s no alloo'd on the Sabbath!"

3. But he answer't them, "Has o no read what Dauvid did, whan he was hunger-'t, and the snes that were wi' him 'I

4. "Hoo he intil God': Hoose, and did eat the Breid o' the Presence, whilk was unlawfu' for him to eat—and unlawfu' for them wi' him to eat—but for the priests al1enarlie?

5. "Or hae ye read-na i' the Law, hoo on the Sabbath-day the priests i' the Temple brek the Sabbath, and sin-na?

6. "But I say t'ye, Thar is Ans here, greater e'en than the Temple!

7. "But gin ye had kent the meanin' o' this, 'I choose mercie rather than sacrifeece, ye wadna hae wytit the guiltless!

8. "For the Son 0’ Man is Lord o' the Sabbath!"

9. And he left thar-awa, and gaed intil the kirk.

10. And see! a man was thar, wi' a wizzen’t haun. And they speir't at him, "Is it richt to heal folk on the Sabbath-day?" that they micht wyte him.

11. And said he to them: "Whatna man is amang ye, wha auchts ae sheep, an' gin' it fa' intil a sheugh, wull he no lay hand o't, and mix' it oot?

12. "Hoo muckle mair, than, is a man no worth nor a sheep? And sae, it is weel to do gude on the Sabbath-day."

13. Than said he to the man, "Rax oot yere haun!" And he rax't it oot; and it was restor't, hale and weel, like the ither.

14. Than the Pharisees gaed oot, and counsell't thegither, how they micht malt awa' wi' him.

15. But Jesus, kennin it, withdrew free that place; and great thrangs follow't him; and he heal'd them a';

16. Chairgin them that they soudna mak him kent;