Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/17

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Twa blin' men.
The twat' sent oot.

an issue o’ blude twal year, cam ahint him to touch the border o' his mantle.

21. For she said till hersel, "Gin I can but touch his mantle, I sal be weel!"

22. But Jesus turned him men', and whan he saw her, said, "Dochter, tak heart! Yere faith has made ye hale!" And the wumman was made hale free that 'oor.

23. And Jesus, comin intil the Ruler’s hoose, saw the flute-players, and the folk makin a rowt.

24. He said to them, "Gie place: for the bairn is no deid, but is sleepin!" And they geck't at him, and leuch.

25. But whan a' the folk war putten oot, he hen; and takin her by the haun, the lassie raise.

26. And the sough o't spread abreid in a' that kintra-side.

27. And as Jesus gaed forrit, twa blin' men follow't him, cryin' oot and sayin, "Son o' Dauvid! hae mercie on us!"

28. And whan he was within the hoose, the blin' men cam till him; and Jesus says to them. "Lippen ye that I can do this?" And they say till him, "Aye, Lord!"

29. Than touched he their een, sayin, "E'en as yere faith, sae be it dune till ye!”

30. And their een war unsteekit; and Jesus stricklie chairged them, sayin, "See that nae man ken!"

31. But they gaed oot, and spread ahreid his fame in a' that kintra-side.

32. And as they gaed oot, hehauld! they brocht him a dumb man, wi' an evil spirit.

33. And when the evil spirit was cuisten oot, the dumb spak; and a' the folk ferlied, sayin, "Nevir was sic seen in Isra'l!"

34. But the Pharisees said, "He casts oot the demons by the prince o' the demons!"

35. And Jesus gaed aboot a' the touns and villages, teachin i' their kirks, and makin kent the Blythe-message o' the Kingdom, and healin a' kinds o' sickness, and every ill amang a' the folk.

36. But whan he lookit on the thrangs, he was fu' o' compassion, for they war in distress and war scattered, as sheep wantin a shepherd.

37. Than said he till his disciples "The hairst is maist abundant, but the hairst-folk are few!

38. "Pray ye to the Maister o' the hairst, that he may send oot laborers intil his hairst!"


The twat Apostles coonsell't, and sent out.

AND ca’in his twal disciples till him, he gied them the rule ower unclean spirits, sae as to cast them oot, and to heal a’ mainner o’ sickness and fecklessness.

2. Noo the twal Apostles' names are thir :first Simon, wha is named Peter. and Andre his brither; James o’ Zebedee, and John his brither;

3. Philip. and Bartholomie, Tammas, and Matthew the tax man; James o' Alpheus, and Thaddeus;

4. Simon the Zealot; and Judas Iscariot, wha e'en betray't him.

5. Thir twal Jesus sent oot, and chairged them, sayin, "Gang-ua the gate o' the Gentiles, and enter-na ony Samaritan citie;

6. "But gang ye raither to the forwanderin sheep o' Isra'l's hoose.

7. "And as ye gang, proclaim and say, 'The Kingdom o' Heeven is at haun!"

8. "The sick heal; the lepers cleanse; the deid raise; ill spirits cast ye oot: freely ye has gotten; as freely gie!

9. "Get ye nae gowd, nor siller, nor yet co per i' yer pouches;

10. "as pock for yer journey, nor a spare coat. nor shoon, nor stalf: for the worker is wordie o' his meat!

11. "And intil whatna citie or toun ye may gae, seek ye oot wha is