Page:Weird Tales volume 02 number 03.djvu/89

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"and What IS Life?"

The Book Will Answer You

Every mother or father will some day be confronted by a little, innocent face that will ask a question which will be far more difficult to answer than a query on the Einstein theory.

Yet that question must be answered, and answered in detail. For if it remains unanswered by the parents, it will be answered by others far less capable. And at this juncture the tree of perversion takes root in the adolescent mind.


You may be able to answer to yourself. But can you answer to some one less mature? And can you answer in the right way—the way which will not foster thoughts of dark, mysterious things, or things which are not plain and evident? Could you, as a mother, reveal the questions of sex to your daughter without implanting fear or horror in her mind? Could you, as a father, explain conception to your son without your words being misinterpreted?

This, the Master Book of Sex, will guide you. Bernard Bernard—a man who has devoted his life to the advancement of clean and right living—has answered this very question scores of times, not only to children, but to mothers, fathers, and especially to young men and women who contemplate marriage.

He has answered in such a way that an impression of a wonderful function of nature is revealed. In his broad outspoken book, "Sex Development," he explains in clean and simple terms the preparation of the mind for this ultimate goal.

by BERNARD BERNARD, Editor-in-Chief, "Health and Life"

This is not a book for the sedulous-minded. It is intended only for those who wish to learn.

It is a book which the mother need not conceal from her children; it is a book which young men and youn women need not hesitate to read.

It is endorsed by many of the foremost medical authorities of the country; it is applauded by mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters the world over as being the book which has brought them a life of happiness.

ACT NOW—Look at this book! Read it—and pass it on!

As Mr. Bernard is financing the cost of editing, printing and distributing "Sex Development," he offers it to you at a price which is but a fraction of its true worth.

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The People of the Comet

(Continued from page 86)

"' "Look, Alvas!" she exclaimed.

"'And then I looked and saw, and understood. We were approaching my own Earth. The indicator was just at the dot that Sora had marked upon my arrival.

"'That is about all.

"'We rushed out to the ether ship, stored up what data we could gather and discarded all inside of the ship that we could dispense with. Then we set sail from the comet.

"'We had an uneventful trip. We have just landed. We saw this light and we came to it. This is our Earth. I have told you our story.'"

"He stopped," said Professor Mason, "and waited for me to speak. I watched them—the man and the maiden. They were beautiful beyond anything I had ever seen. The girl stood by her lover waiting for me to speak. At last I asked:

"'Then our solar system is but an atom?'

"'Yes. Just as the atoms below us act according to their relative planetary and solar laws, which we call atomic, so does our system, in the great scheme of things, act to the world above us. Everything is relative.'

"'But millions of years! You were in the upper plane only a few minutes!'

"'That is easily explained. The atoms below us are revolving at an incredible speed. Each revolution about the atomic nucleus represents a year. A minute in our plane is equal to millions within the atom. And so it is in the upper plane. It is a question of relativity. I was outside our Universe a few minutes. To the inside that represents millions of years. But I can understand your wonder, because I was misled myself. I thought I had been gone but a few weeks. I had not calculated the time in the outer plane. I did not understand until you showed me this place, which you call—California.'

"Just then the girl spoke up:

"'Alvas, I would like a drink. I feel thirsty. I—I feel like—'

"I noticed that she had turned very white; almost deathlike. The young man turned. He was frightened.

"'Hurry!' he spoke. 'Get her some water!'

"His manner was strange. I noticed that he, too, was pale. I rushed out of the room.

"While I was gone he called several times. I noticed that each time his voice was weaker. I was in a flutter of excite-