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Walks in the Black Country

It furnishes accommodation to seventy students, fitting themselves for Medicine and Surgery. Arts. Laws. Civil Architecture and Engineering. In connexion with the College are Museums of Human and Comparative Anatomy, containing more than 3,000 specimens. In a word it has all the raw material of an important and first-rate institution, which must inevitably be utilized hereafter to larger results than it has yet produced.

The Proprietary School, situated on the Hagley Road, near the intersecting point called the Five Ways, is an energetic and well-conducted establishment, in which instruction of a high order is given in classical and commercial education. It is a first-rate middle-class school, with a large force of teachers and a principal of eminence. Dr. Badham, one of the best Greek scholars in England, was for many years at the head of the school, which attained a high reputation under him.

The Diocesan Training College, at Saltley, is another very creditable and useful institution, founded by private contributions. It is a training school for the education of teachers for the dioceses of Lichfield. Worcester, and Hereford, and was opened in 1852. There is also the Reformatory Institution in Saltley, for the rescue of juvenile vagrants and criminals from a life of vice and misery, and for training them for useful-