Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/349

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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. 339 Du. 2. attam (AV.), itam (AV. TS.), pätám 'protect', brütam (AV.), yatám, vittám, vitám, stam (as- 'be'), stutam, hatám. 3. itām, dugdhām (V duh-), pātām 'protect', sastám, stám (AV.), hatām (AV.). Pl. 2. attá, itá and éta, pātá 'protect', brūta, yātá, śasta (śas- ‘cut'), sta (VS. AV.), stota, hatá; with -tana: attana, itana and étana, yatána, sastána, sotana (su- 'press'), hantana; with connecting --: bravitana. 3. adantu, ghnantu, drāntu, pantu 'protect', bruvantu, yantu, yantu, vāntu (AV.), vyántu (Vvi-) and viyantu (TS.), śasatu (TS.v.2.12¹), svásantu (AV.), santu, svápantu (AV.). Middle. Sing. 2. īrṣva, cakṣva (= *cakṣ-șva), trásva, dhukṣva', mṛkṣva (V mṛj-, AV.), stusvá (AV.); with connecting -i-: ílisva, jániṣva, vásisva. 3. āstām, yutām (AV.), vastām, śetām (AV.); with -ām: duhám, vidam (vid- ‘find', AV.), śayām (AV.). Du. 2. īrathām, cakṣäthām (TS.), duhātham (AV.), vasāthām (TS.). 3. duhātām (AV.). Pl. 2. adhvam² (√ās-), īrdhvam, trắdhvam, mydḍhvam (AV.). 3- īratām, stuvatām (AV.); with -rām: duhrām (AV.); with -ratām: duhratām (AV.). - Present Participle. 455. The active participle is formed by adding -ánt3 to the weak root; thus y-ánt- from i- 'go'; duh-ánt- from duh- 'milk'; s-ánt- from as- 'be'. The strong stems of the participles of daś 'worship' and sās- 'order' lose the n: dás-at-4 and sás-at-5. The middle participle is formed by adding the suffix -and to the weak form of the root; thus iy-aná- from Vi-; us-aná- from Vvas; ghn-āná- (AV.) from √han-. In a few examples, however, the radical vowel takes Guna; thus oh-aná- from üh- 'consider'; yodh-and- from yudh- 'fight'; sáy-ana- from šī- ‘lie'; stav-āná- from stu- 'praise'. The final of √ duh- reverts to the original guttural in digh-āna- beside the regular dúhana-. The root as 'sit' has the anomalous suffix -ina in ás-īna- beside the regular as-aná. Several of these participles in -ana alternatively accent the radical vowel instead of the final vowel of the suffix; thus vid-āna- beside vid-āná- 'finding'. - Active. adánt, anánt-, uśánt-, kşiyánt-6 'dwelling', ghnánt- (√han-), duhánt-, dvisánt-, dhṛṣánt-, pắnt- 'protecting', bruv-ánt-, bhánt, yánt-, yant-, rihánt, rudánt, vánt-7 (AV.), vyánt- (Vvi-), sánt-, sasánt-, stuvánt, snánt-, svapánt-; with loss of n: dášat-, sásat-. Middle. adaná, āsāná- and ásīna-, indhāna-, iyāná- (VS. x. 19; TS. I. 8. 14²), ilana-, irāṇa-, isana- and (once) išaná, usaná-8, uṣaṇá-9 (vas- 'wear'), bhāna- and ohāná- (√ūh-), kṣṇuvāná-¹, ghnāná- (AV.), dihāná-, dúghāna- and duhaná- and dúhana-, dhṛṣaṇá-(AV.), nijaná-, bruvāṇá-, mrjāná-, yuvaná- (yu- 1 DELBRÜCK 61 and AVERY 242 wrongly give this form as duksva. 2 In AV. (IV. 14²) and TS. (1v. 6. 5¹) some Mss. read āddhvam. VS. xvII. 65 has ādhvam. 3 The feminine is formed with - from the weak stem; thus ghnat-i-, duhat-i-, yat-i-, yāt-i, bhāt-i, rudat-i-, sat-i (AV.), snät-i-. But the AV. has yantī (beside yati-) and svapánti-; see WHITNEY, Index Verborum 3744. 4 The verb dāš- may have lost its nasal in the 3. pl. act., but there is no evidence of this, as the only form preserved according by GRASSMANN as a participle. to the root class is 3. sing. dāşti. 5 As in 3. pl. 6 ksyántam TS. IV. 1. 25. 7 apa-ván AV. XIX. 504 is probably N. sing. of this part.; see WHITNEY's note and cp. LANMAN 484². 8 The RV. has once the transfer form uśámana-. 9 Once, beside the regular vásâna-. The RV. has also once the transfer form uṣámāṇa-. IC The form grhīṇá (x. 1031²), doubtless 2. sing. impv. of the na- class, is regarded 22*