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90 I. Allgemeines und Sprache. 4. Vedic Grammar.

But a peculiarity of the derivatives formed without Vrddhi is that the majority of them have the Svarita accent on the suffix; e. g. rajan-ya- 'belonging to the royal class' (ryan-); dosan-ya- 'relating to the arm' {dosdn-); vayav-ya- 'belonging to Wind' {vayu-); -dicndubh-ya- (VS.) 'relating to a drum' (dundubhl) ; budhn-ya- 'belonging to the bottom' {bud/ind-). The suffix thus accented also appears in the gerundive in -iav-ya- (twice found in the AV.) formed from an infinitive stem in -tu (585,4).

38. The rare suffix -yin is (like -in) always accented: atata-yin- (VS.) 'having one's bow drawn', dhanva-yln- (VS.) 'bearing a bow', mara-yin-, N. of a man, srka-yi?i- (VS.) 'having a spear', svadha-yin- (VS.) 'owning the Svadha'.

39. Derivatives formed with -ra having a comparative sense (chiefly from prepositions) accent the initial syllable: ddha-ra-'o^tx d^a-ra- ^a.ter', dva-ra- 'lower'j vpa-ra- 'lower', dnta-ra-^ 'near' (anta- 'end'). Other nouns formed with the suffix are chiefly accented on the final syllable; e. g. a-srl-rd- 'ugly', dhum-rd- (VS.) 'dusky' {dhumd- 'smoke'), pamsu-rd- 'dusty, rath-i-rd- 'riding in a chariot' ; but sometimes otherwise ; thus dgnidh-ra- 'belonging to the fire- kindler' {agnidh-), midh-i-ra- 'wise', karma-ra- 'smith'.

40. Derivatives formed with -la nearly always accent the suffix; e. g. a-sli-ld- (AV.) 'ugly', jlva-ld- (AV.) 'lively', bahu-ld- 'abundant', madhu-ld- 'sweet'; but tilvi-la- 'fertile', seva-la- (AV.) 'slimy', sihi-la- 'little child'.

41. The suffix -va is regularly accented: arna-vd- 'billowy', kesa-vd- (AV.) 'hairy', anji-vd- (AV.) 'slippery', santi-vd- (AV.) 'friendly', sraddhi-vd- 'credible'.

42. The fern, substantives formed from adverbs or prepositions with the suffix -vol always accent the final syllable: arva-vdt- 'proximity', a-vdt- (AV.) 'proximity', ud-vdt- 'height', ni-vdt- 'depth', para-vdt- 'distance', pra-vdt- 'height', sam-vdt- 'region'.

43. Derivatives formed with the suffix -van may have the accent on any syllable; e.g. dthar-van, 'fire-priest', zW/5a«-z'a«- 'possessed of fuel', fgha- van- 'violent'; rta-van- 'regular', maghd-van- 'bountiful'; aratX-vdn- 'hostile', srustT-vdn- 'obedient'.

44. Derivatives formed with -vant generally retain the original accent except in oxytone stems (if not ending in a or a), which as a rule throw it on the suffix; e. g. kesa-vant- 'hairy', putrd-vant- (VS.) 'having a son', prajd- vant- 'having offspring', dydvaprthivt-vant- 'connected with heaven and earth'; but agni-vdnt' 'having fire' {agni-), asan-vdnt {KSl^ 'having a mouth'. The accent is anomalously shifted in krsaiia-vant- 'decorated with pearls' (krsana-) and visu-vdnt- 'central' {vim-) 'in both directions'.

45. The very rare derivatives formed with the suffix -vaya accent either the suffix or the primitive: dru-vaya- (AV.) 'wooden dish' and cdtur- ■vaya- 'fourfold'.

46. Derivatives formed with the rare suffix -vala accent their final syllable: krsT-vald- 'peasant', nad-vald- (VS.) 'reed bed'.

47. The suffix -vin is always accented; e. g. namas-vin- 'reverential', yasas-vin- (AV.) 'beautiful', medha-vin- (AV.) 'wise', dArsad-vIn- 'bold'.

48. The very rare names of relationship formed with the suffix -vya accent the first syllable: bhrdtr-vya- (AV.) 'nephew'.

49. A few adjectives and substantives formed with the suffix -sa accent either the final or, less often, the first or second syllable: arva-sd- or

I This word may, however, be derived from antar- 'within', with BR. and WHITNEY 1209 i.