Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/438

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE The later earthworks, on the site known as the ' Castle Yard,' are a quarter of a mile south of the church. They are placed in a strong position, upon a triangle of land formed by the junction of two brooks ; they are now much worn. At the apex of this triangle rises a low mount or keep ; south of this is a courtyard, which occupies an area of rather over an acre, lying between the brooks. A moat surrounds the mount and the court, through the eastern side of which one of the little streams runs, while water also stands within it on the west. There are remnants of a rampart running round inside the moat upon the south side of the court. Further banks and ditches are to be seen beyond the stream to the north- east, but their plan is not now easily dis- cernible. On the summit of the mount there are remains of masonry, but there are no visible traces of stonework upon the bank round the court. This little mount and court castle was occupied by the great Hastings family early in the reign of Henry I., and it afterwards became their chief re- sidence in Warwick- shire. 1 GR EDE NTON HILL. See Fenny Compton. HARBOROUGH BANKS. See Lapworth. HARTSHILL (3 miles north-west of Nuneaton) The ancient camp known as Oldbury crowns a rocky elevation, 550 feet above sea level, which rises to the west of this village ; in its centre stands the Georgian mansion called Oldbury Hall. The stronghold has a most commanding position, overlooking the vale of Leicestershire and domin- 1 Dugdale's Wane. p. 725 ; Clark's Mil. Archlt. vol. i. p. 8 1, vol. ii. pp. 47~ 8 ; Burgess' Wane. p. 5 ; Timmins's Wane. pp. 84-5. 376 HARTSHILL. Oldbury Camp SCALE OFFEET IOO 200 3OO