Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/430

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE up at the bottom. A very careful survey made in 1822 by Mr. Edward Pretty, then drawing-master at Rugby School, and here reproduced, 1 shows the ditches at that time to have been upon an average less than 100 feet across, and they would doubtless be correspondingly deeper ; even then there were no signs of the inner rampart remaining ; this in all likelihood has been thrown down at some time or other into the ditch, for the easier cultivation of the field. The ancient Fosse Way, in its course across the midlands, passes through the western half of this camp ; it enters near the corner, and quits the interior through the north-east side. Within and just outside the area of the camp, it is in its present shape merely a trackway 7^ feet wide, whereas, a little further north and south, it again becomes a 10 foot road, raised 3 feet above the level of the surrounding ground, and with wide ditches on either side, 6 feet in depth from the surface of the highway. The position of Chesterton camp, placed as it is upon the Fosse Way, much resembles that of Mancetter, hereafter described, upon the Watling Street ; with the exception, that in the first case the oblong lies across, and in the second, parallel with, the road. Dugdale records that ' within the Compasse ' of the camp ' divers old Coynes ' were ' digg'd up ' ; and since his time many pieces of Roman money, as well as fragments of Roman pottery, have been found in the fields near.' Whether this earthwork is actually Roman or not, only excavation upon the site can finally determine ; the arguments, for and against, at present, are fully set forth in the article on ' Romano- British Warwickshire.' CHESWICK GREEN. See Tanworth. CHURCHOVER (4 miles north of Rugby). An interesting and well pre- served little moated mount castle of class D is to be seen in this parish, about half a mile south of Coton House. Proceed- ing from Brownsover along the Lutterworth road, it lies in the middle of the second field to the east of the highway, just after passing the third milestone from Rugby. The remains consist of a low circular artificial hill, measur- ing about i 50 feet in diameter at its base, with a flat top about 70 feet across ; it is surrounded by a ditch, in which water still lies at the south-east side. The Ordnance Survey map calls this mount a tumulus ; there is an undoubted sepul- chral mound here, once opened by Mr.Bloxam, which lies in the spinney beside the high-road a few hundred yards to the north-west ; but it is much smaller than the mount above described, and has no encircling ditch. 3 1 Preserved in Dugdale's Wane. (Hamper's copy), p. 340. Dugdale's Wana. p. 340 ; Turner's Sbaki. Land, pp. 301-3. a O.S. Map 25 in., 1883. 368 CHURCHOVER SCALE OF FEET too 200 Zoo