Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/420

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE made in the year 1837 shows the outer vallum encircling about two- thirds of the camp, and another, made probably a few years later, marks this outer rampart as intact along the whole of the northern and eastern sides. 1 Burgess records that a subterranean chamber was discovered within the area of the entrenchment some years prior to a visit which he paid there in 1872 ; he suggests that this might have been for the storage of grain, as was the practice in the raths in Ireland. 2 As far as can be judged from outward appearances only, these remains would seem to correspond with the class of earthwork described above under letter B ", and in various particulars they resemble the cele- brated camp excavated at Hunsbury near Northampton. 3 BOURNBROOK. See Edgbaston. BRAILES ( 12 miles south-east of Stratford-on-Avon). At a height of nearly 500 feet above the sea level, within the village of Upper Brailes and three-quarters of a mile north-west of the magnificent church of St. George belonging to .^llWWHHlli Lower Brailes, is a detached artificial r mount surrounded by entrenchments and called the ' Castle Hill.' These earthworks lie upon the southern slope of a considerable ele- vation which forms an eastern outlier of the great Brailes Hill rising upon M|(||(I[()(1 the other side of the high road; .vv though not upon the actual top of the ridge, the site is a commanding one and overlooks the valley containing the lower village and the country be- yond. The present remains, which BRAILES. are evidently much worn and altered, SCALE OFPEET consist mainly of a central mount, ? '? 12f 2? which has a flat top some 80 to 90 feet in diameter; this mount is sur- rounded by earthworks in the form of an irregular oval ; beyond these again are further banks encircling the area upon three sides, but absent towards the east. The entire works cover nearly 3 acres. Mr. Burgess describing the site says : ' The Castle Hill is separated from the adjacent highlands by a valley which appears to have been a natural gap enlarged by the hand of man ; the adjacent hill is also fortified by terraces rising one above another and more apparent on the south side.' 4 In the present eroded and altered state of the earthworks it is diffi- 1 See drawings in Dugdale's Warw. (Bloxam's copy). Burgess in B'ham. and Mid. Inst. Arch. Trans. (1872), p. 86, and in Brit. Arch. Assoc. Jour*. The only antiquities which are known to have been found here are two large iron cannon-balls which were unearthed near the farmhouse ; possibly they fell during one of the numerous fights around Kemlworth castle m the middle ages, or when the troops marched to Meriden in the troubles of 1745. Burgess in B'ham. and Mid. Inst. Arch. Trans. (1872), p. 82. 358