Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/203

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INSECTS OPOMYZID.E Balioptera tripunctata, Fall. (R. C. B.) ; combinata, L., common ; venusta, Mg., Hands-worth (C. J. W.) Opomyza germinationis, L., very common SEPSIDJE Sepsis violacea, Mg. (R. C. B.) ; cynipsea, L. (R. C. B.) Nemopoda cylindrica, F. Themira putris, L. (R. C. B.) PIOPHILID^E Piophila casei, L., common Madiza glabra, Fall. (R. C. B.) HEMIPTERA HETEROPTERA In compiling the following list I have been much indebted to the Rev. J. H. Bloom, M.A., of Whitchurch Rectory, for his kindness in sending me his records of insects from that district, which he informs me were named by the British Museum authorities. The records of the late Mr. W. G. Blatch have been taken from his collection, which is now in my possession. The records are my own where not otherwise stated. I am also grateful to Mr. Edward Saunders, F.L.S., F.E.S., for his assistance, and I have followed the nomenclature of his Catalogue of British Hemiptera, dated 1890. The list is not a very comprehensive one, and, unfortunately, comparatively little work has been done in this order in the district. There is much room for additions, and I have little doubt that assiduous workers could soon enlarge our list of species and records. PACHYMERID^E (continued) Drymus sylvaticus, Fab. Knowle (Blatch) ; Packwood brunneus, Sabilb. Knowle (Blatch) Notochilus contractus, H. S. Leamington (Blatch) Scolopostethus affinis, Schill. Whitchurch (Bloom) GYMNOCERATA CYNID.S: Sehirus bicolor, Lin. Whitchurch (Bloom) PENTATOMID.S Tropicoris rufipes, Lin. Knowle Piezodorus lituratus, Fab., Stal. Knowle ASOPID.S Picromerus bidens, Lin. Knowle Zicrona casrulea, Lin. Whitchurch (Bloom) ACANTHOSOMID^E Acanthosma haemorrhoidale, Lin. Knowle (Blatch) ; Whitchurch (Bloom) ; Packwood dentatum, De G. Coleshill (Blatch) ; Knowle interstinctum, Lin. Knowle^ Coleshill (Blatch) COREID.S Coreus denticulatus, Scop. Knowle (Blatch) BERYTIDJE Berytus minor, H. S. Whitchurch (Bloom) CYMID^E Cymus glandicolor, Hahn. Sutton Coldfield (Blatch) claviculus, Fall. Coleshill PACHYMERID.S Peritrechus luniger, Schill. Knowle (Blatch) Serenthia laeta, Fall. Coleshill Orthostira cervina, Germ. Knowle (Blatch) parvula, Fall. Salford Priors (Blatch) Dictyonota strichnocera, Fieb. Knowle Derephysia foliacea, Fall. Knowle (Blatch) Monanthia cardui, Lin. . Knowle Coleshill (Blatch) 165 humuli, Fab. ARADID^E Aradus depressus, Fab. Knowle ; Salford Priors (Blatch) HYDROMETRIDJE Hydrometra stagnorum, (Blatch) : Knowle VEUIDJE Microvelia pygmaea, Duf. Knowle (Blatch) Velia currens, Fab. Earlswood (Blatch) ; Knowle GERRID^E Gerris najas. Earlswood (Blatch) Lin. Solihull Knowle (Blatch)