Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/181

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INSECTS LARENTIINJE (continued) Scotosia vetulata, Schiff. Not common. Salford Priors (J. T. Fountain) ; Rugby = Cawston, Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Whitchurch (Worces- tershire, J. H. Bloom) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) ; Rugby (N. V. Sidgwick) rhamnata, Schiff. Not common. Rugby = Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler); Whitchurch (Worcestershire, J. H. Bloom) Lygris prunata, L. (ribesiaria, B.). Not common. Hampton-in-Arden (G. W. Wynn) ; Rugby = Overslade, Princethorpe (Rugby lists) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) - testata, L. Not very common, but occurs throughout the county - populata, L. Not uncommon. Button (C. J. W., G. W. Wynn, etc.) ; Knowle (R. C. Bradley, etc.) ; Soli- hull (Blatch Cat.) ; Rugby (Rugby lists) ; Atherstone (C. Baker) associata, Bkh. (dotata, D. L.). Com- mon in gardens, etc. Tardley (G. W. Wynn) ; Sutton (R. C. Bradley, etc.) ; Hampton-in-Arden (G. W. Wynn) ; Rugby = Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Atherstone (C. Baker) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) Larentia dotata, L. (pyraliata [S.V.] Hb.) Common. Knowle (C. J. W., etc., etc.) ; Solihull (Blatch Cat.) ; Rugby = Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Atherstone (C. Baker) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) fulvata, Forst. Common everywhere - ocellata, L. - bicolorata, Hufn. (rubiginata [S.V.] Hb.) Not common. Sutton Park (C. J. W.) ; Knowle (R. C. Bradley, etc.) ; Olton, Solihull (Blatch Cat.) ; Rugby (Rugby lists) ; Ather- stone (C. Baker) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) variata, Schiff. Common locally ; Sut- ton Park (very common, C. J. W., etc.) ; Hampton-in-Arden, Knowle (G. W. Wynn) ; Rugby = Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) miata, L. Not uncommon. Knowle (W. G. Blatch) ; Rugby = Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Atherstone (C. Baker) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) truncata, Hufn. (russata [S.V.] Hb.) ) immanata, Haw. J Both these species are, I believe, LARENTIIN^E (continued) common throughout the county, and occur in all their known forms ; they are doubtless, however, much mixed up in collections and records Larentia firmata, Hb. Rare. A few larvz have been taken in Sutton Park with those of variata, and it is recorded twice in the Rugby lists [ olivata [S.V.], Bkh. Mr. C. Baker records this species from Atherstone, and Rev. J. H. Bloom says it occurs at Whitchurch, but I think it very likely dark viridaria have been mis- taken for it, and it much needs con- firmation] - viridaria, F. (pectinataria, Knoch.) Common everywhere fluctuata, L. Very common every- where multistrigaria, Haw. Common in Sutton Park ; and also recorded from Knowle (W. G. Blatch) ; Marston Green (G. W. Wynn) ; Small Heath (Blatch Coll.) ; Rugby = Princethorpe (Rugby list 1898 only, D. Campbell) didymata, L. Very common every- where montanata, Schiff. Very common in all the woods suffumata [S.V.], Hb. Common. Sutton (C. ]. W., etc.) ; Knowle (R. C. Bradley, etc.) ; Rugby = Brandon Woods, Overslade, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Atherstone (C. Baker) ; Wolford (W. C. E. Wheeler) quadrifasciaria, Cl. Occurs in Enock's list 1869, but I think in error ferrugata, Cl. I think both these unidentaria, Haw. J species are com- mon, but the records are untrust- worthy owing to the difficulty of distinguishing the two species designata, Rott. (propugnata [S.V.] F.) Not common. Sutton (R. C. Brad- ley, G. W. Wynn, etc.) ; Middleton (R. C. Bradley); Solihull (Blatch Cat.) ; Rugby = Brandon Woods, Frankton, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Wol- ford (W. C. E. Wheeler) fluviata, Hb. Mr. W. G. Blatch gives Knowle as a locality for this species in his handbook ; and Mr. F. Enock includes it in his 1869 list ; I however know of no recent capture vittata, Bkh. (lignata, Hb. ) Very rare. Mr. P. W. Abbott has taken it at Sutton, and the name also occurs once in the Rugby lists 1888 1 43