Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/170

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE (Notodonta) trimacula, Esp. (dodottca, Frr.) Rare. Mtrttt* Grttm (one, E. C. Tye) ; Attmtau (C. Baker) ; Kmwk (Blatch Hand.; F. Knock, Sat. Gd*) rhanofc^ Hb. Rarer eren than the above. Atkntnu (one, C Baker) ; Wt^rd (one, W. C E. Wheeler) Pheosia (Notodonta) tremula, CL (dictara, Esp.) Not common, but probably generally distributed. Kntrailt (R. C. Bradley, etc.) ; Rugby (A. Sidgwick, Rugby lists, 1867, etc.) ; Walftrd Winds (Austen). I have taken it in the Birmingham suburbs = at Hands- v.vrtb = but over the border. It doubtless occurs however all round Birmingham, on the many poplars in gardens, etc. dictzoides, E*p. Probably somewhat commoner than the above. Atkerrtim (C. Baker) ; Rufiy = Brandin Winds (Rugby lists) ; Smttsm Part (C. J. Wain wright, etc.) ; Kmruile (G. W. Wynn, V. G. Blatch) Notcnionta ziczac, L. Not common ; at Knra.-^ it occurs regularly, and it is also recorded from Surton P>*rk (P. W. Abbott) ; Tardltj (H. Tay- lor) ; Rxgiy = (h-tnladt, etc. (Rugby lists) ; If'ilfjrd If'iads (Austen) drcmecarius, L. Not uncommon. I have taken the larvz at Sxttin and K"U*LJ, at both of which places it probably occurs regularly ; it is also recorded from Afarsta* Grun (G. W. Wynn) ; Cilakill (F. Enock, Sat. Git^u] j Birmingham (one larva, R. C. R. Jordan, E.M.M. ii. 261) trepida, Esp. Az'centoiu (a pair in IQCI, C. Baker) ; Krxgraiood (oac in 1902, W. H. Flint) Lophopteryx camelina, L. A common species everywhere Pterostoma palpina, L. Not uncommon on aspen. Ktraj (R. C. Bradley, W. Kas, W. G. Blatch, etc.) ; Small Heath (H. Taylor) ; Ritgey (Rugby list, 1874) ; OotnUe (Rugby list, J. M. Furness, 1893) J ff'ufird (W. C. E. Wheeler) ; has also been taken in Birmingham submras, but not in our county Phalera 'r TirtMfj*, L. Very common cv u neic Pygzra curtuk, L. Very rare. KxmoU (W. Kiss) pigra, Hufix. (reclusa, F.) The only ckim of this species to inclusion in Ac county lists rests on a record in the Rugby lists, 1888. It has how- ever probably been overlooked else- where LYMANTRIIDjE Orgyia gonostigma, F. Rare ; its occur- rence needs confirmation. Ctvtntry (Blatch Hand.) ; Rugby (Rugby list, 1888); Ctombt Wood (G. H. Kenrick) antiqua, L. Common everywhere [Dasychira fascelina, L. Needs confirma- tion as a Warwickshire insect. There is a specimen in the Blatch Coll. labelled as having been obtained in Stftttm Pork ; and some very doubt- ful records in the Rugby lists] pudibunda, L. Not uncommon. Kmruilt (G. W. Wynn, H. W. Ellis, W. Kiss, etc.) ; StBtmtt (Blatch Cat.) ; Rugby = Brandon, Prixcitbarpe, etc. (Rugby lists) ; Atbtrrtau (C. Baker) ; IVdfird (W. C. E. Wheeler) Euproctis (Porthesia) chrysorrhcEa, L. This species has been recorded several times, and possibly records referring to old captures may be correct. F. Enock (in list, 1870) gives it as occurring in the Birmingham district, and W. C. E. Wheeler's record of it for Wilfird may have been correct in his father's days. I doubt its occur- rence now anywhere in the county, and although the name occurs many times in the Rugby lists, it is prob- ably in error Porthesia similis, FuessL (auriflua, F.) Very common, often abounds Sdlpnotia (Leucoma) salicis, L. Not com- mon. Crvfntry (larvz near, in 1897, E. C. Tye) ; Knauilt (Blatch Hand.); Rugby (Rugby lists) ; Edgbastnt (one at rest, 1901, G. H. Kenrick) Lymantria (Psilura) monacha, L. Suttan Park (Blatch Hand.), but certainly not seen for many years ; Rugby = Cmmbt JVvid, Brandon Wands, etc. (many records, Rugby lists) ; Wilfvrd (sometimes feiriy plentiful = several at sugar,' in 1 888, W. C. E. Whcder) LASIOCAMPIDji: Malacosoma neustria, L. By no means a pest in Warwickshire as it seems to be in many places further south ; it is rather an uncommon insect with as as a rule. Whitdmrdti, Id&ott (J. H. Bloom) ; Wttfrd (W. C. E. Wheder; Austen); JjM*(B.W. Ellis, common at 'tight,' etc.); R*& (Rugby list, .874) 133