Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/156

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE TENEBRIONID^: Blaps mucronata, Latr. In houses, cellars, etc.; allseasons. Knowle, Small Heath (Blatch), Warwick Scaphidema metallicum, F. In flood re- fuse and under stones, etc. ; all sea- sons. Knowle (Blatch), Salford Priors Tenebro molitor, L. In houses and mills, in old flour ; all seasons. Birming- ham ; Hastier (Blatch) obscurus, F. In old flour, etc. ; all seasons. Birmingham (Blatch) Alphitobius piceus, OI. In flour bins, mills and granaries ; all seasons. Small Heath, Birmingham (Blatch) Gnathocerus cornutus, F. In flour, etc. ; all seasons. Small Heath (Blatch), Birmingham Trilobium ferrugineum, F. In flour, corn, etc. ; all seasons. Small Heath (Blatch), Birmingham - confusum, Duv. In flour, etc. ; all seasons. Small Heath, Birmingham (Blatch) Helops striatus, Fourc. Under bark, in moss, etc. ; all seasons ; abundant in all localities Lagria hirta, L. On flowers and herbage; summer. Knowle (Blatch), Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon MELANDRYID^ Tetratoma dcsmaresti, Latr. Under bark, etc. Knowle Orchesia micans, Panz. In Polypori on old trees. Knowle Conopalpus testaceus, Ol. By beating old trees. Knowle Malandrya caraboides, L. Under willow bark and on old posts and fences. Knowle, June 1870 (Blatch) Anisoxya fuscula, 111. In dead twigs, etc. I find a note by the late Mr. Blatch giving Warwick as a locality for this species. No specimens are however preserved in his collections from this place Salpingus castaneus, Panz. Amongst dead leaves in fir woods ; in moss at mar- gins of bogs bordered by woods ; all seasons. Coleshill ; Sutton (Blatch). IT I *' Knowle aeratus, Mtlll. Under bark, on fences, windows, etc. ; all seasons. Knowle Salpingus atep-, Payk. The late Mr. Blatch records this species from Knowle, but Canon Fowler seems to think it referable to the last species Lissoderma quadripustulata, Marsh. Under bark ; all seasons. Small Heath ; Knowle (Blatch), Salford Priors Rhinosimus ruficollis, L. Under bark ; all seasons. Edgbaston; Sutton (Blatch), Knowle viridipennis, Steph. Under bark; all seasons ; all localities planirostris, F. Under bark, dead leaves, moss, etc. ; all seasons ; oc- curs in all localities OEDEMERIDjE Oedemera lurida, Marsh. On flowers, etc. ; spring and summer. Stratford- on-Avon (Bloom) Ischnoglossa coerulea, L. By sweeping, etc.; summer. Leamington (Blatch) PYROCHROID.E Pyrochroa serraticornis, Scop. On flowers and herbage ; summer; found in all localities MORDELLIDJE Anaspis frontalis, L. On flowers and herbage ; spring to autumn ; all localities pulicaria, Costa. On flowers, etc. ; summer. Knowle rufilabris, Gyll. On flowers, etc. ; summer. Solihull; Sutton (Blatch), Knowle - geoffroyi, Mall. On flowers, etc. ; summer ; abundant in all localities ruficollis, F. On whitethorn and othei flowers ; summer ; all localities - flava var. thoracica, L. On flowers, etc. Knowle (Blatch) subtestacea, Steph. On flowers, etc. ; spring to autumn. Knowle (Blatch) maculata, Fourc. On flowers, etc. ; spring to autumn ; all localities ANTHICID/E Anthicus floralis, L. In hotbeds, stack refuse, etc. ; all seasons ; abundant in all localities floralis var. quisquilius, Thorns. Habi- tat and distribution same as the pre- ceding, but not so abundant antherinus, L. In moss and vegetable refuse and on flowers and herbage. Not abundant, but found in all parts of the midlands 118