Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/118

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE given as fully as possible in the list, and a few only of the more remark- able ones need be mentioned here, namely : Aleochara ruficornis and A . succico/a, Oxypoda pectita, O. lentula, O. spectabilis, O. mutata, Thyaso- pbila angu/ata, Ocyusa maura, Plceopora cortica/is, Calodera nigrita and Myrmedonia humeralis. Of the large genus Homalota the species and varieties occurring in our county are 100 in number, being about two-thirds of those included in the British list. Of the other species in the tribe Aleocharina may be mentioned Silusa rubtgenosa, Bolitocbara bella, Oligota punctulata, Myllcena dubia and Gymnusa brevicollis, all of which are scarce. The tribe Tachiporina is well represented, and Tachinus pallipes, a species new to the county, has recently been found near Stratford-on- Avon. The tribe Staphylinina, which includes the larger members of the Bracbelytra, is fairly well represented, the county yielding twenty species of Quedius and five of Staphylinus, all of which latter are rare, especially S. latibricola, which is found in ants' nests (Myrmica). The large genus Philonthus has thirty-two Warwickshire species, of which P. intermedius, P. carbonarius^ P. facens, P. umbratilis and P. ther- marum are the rarest. Xantbolinus fulgidus is a rare insect in the district, and in the Pcederina the same remarks apply to Lathrobium punctatum^ L. quadratum, Achenium humile and Stilicus similis. The majority of the species of Stenus are very abundant, S, melanopus, S. canaliculatus, S. circularis and S. cerosus being the rarer ones. In the remaining genera, Trogophlceus arcuatus and Homalium riparium and brevi- corne may be mentioned as being occasionally met with in the district. The C/avicornia are represented by 360 species. The genus Euplectus was most carefully studied by Mr. Blatch, who was the author of some very useful notes upon it (E. M. M. xxii. 203). The genus Choleva is well represented, but Colons are few in species and numbers. The f frichopterigidee occur freely, and many species literally swarm in some localities. The species are extremely difficult to determine, and there is no doubt that when more time is bestowed upon them several species new to the county will be recorded. Sacium pusillum, one specimen of which was taken at Knowle, is probably the only British specimen in existence. The genus Meligethes has received very little attention in this dis- trict, and there is little doubt that many more species would turn up if carefully worked for. Of the Cryptophagidce the two largest genera, Cryptophagus and Atomaria, are well represented and yield many interesting species. Of the Lamellicornia just one half of the British species occur, of which the Lucanidez have three representatives in the county, a fine male specimen of Lucanus ceruus having been taken by Mr. A. H. Martineau at Warwick on July 4, 1887. This is apparently the only specimen of this beetle taken in the county, although in Wyre Forest, Worcestershire, it is not uncommon. 80