Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/11

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Family History will, both in the Histories and in the supplemental volumes of chart pedigrees, be dealt with by genealogical experts and in the modern spirit. Every effort will be made to secure accuracy of statement, and to avoid the insertion of those legendary pedigrees which have in the past brought discredit on the whole subject. It has been pointed out by the late Bishop of Oxford, a great master of historical research, that ' the expansion and extension of genealogical study is a very remarkable feature of our own times,' that ' it is an increasing pursuit both in America and England,' and that it can render the historian useful service. Heraldry will also in this Series occupy a prominent position, and the splendours of the coat-armour borne in the Middle Ages will be illustrated in colours on a scale that has never been attempted before. The general plan of Contents, and the names of the Sectional Editors (who will co-operate with local workers in every case) are as follows : Natural History. Palaeontology. Edited by R. LYDIICKER, F.R.S., etc. /Contributions by G. A. BOULENGER, F.R.S., F. O. PICKARD-CAMBKIDGE, M.A., H. N. DIXON, F.L.S., Flora I G. C. DRUCE, M.A., F.L.S., WALTER GARSTANG, M.A., F.L.S., HERBERT Goss, F.L.S., F.E.S., Fauna | R - ' P ">C K > &* T.R. R. STUBBING, M.A., F.R.S., etc., 15. B. WOODWARD, F.G.S., F.R.M.S., V etc., and other Specialists Prehistoric Remains. Edited by W. BOVD DAWKINS, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A. Roman Remains. Edited by F. HAVERFIELD, M.A., F.S.A. Anglo-Saxon Remains. Edited by C. HERCULES READ, F.S.A., and REGINALD A. SMITH, B.A., F.S.A. Ethnography. Edited by G. LAURENCE GOMME, F.S.A. Dialect. Edited by JOSEPH WRIGHT, M.A., Ph.D. Place Names "| Folklore V Contributed by Various Authorities Physical Types J Domesday Book and other kindred Record;. Edited by J. HORACE Rotsn, M.A. Architecture. By Various Authorities. The Sections on the Cathedrals and Monastic Remains Edited by W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, M.A. Ecclesiastical History. Edited by R. L. POOLE, M.A. Political History. Edited by W. H. STEVENSON, M.A., J. HORACE ROUND, M.A., Peer. T. F. TOUT, !!.A., JAMES TAIT, M.A., and C. H. FIRTH, M.A. History of Schools. Edited by A. F. LEACH, M.A., F.S.A. Maritime History of Coast Counties. Edited by J. K. LAUGHTON, M.A., and M. OrrtNHEiM Topographical Accounts of Parishes and Manors. By Various Authorities History of the Feudal Baronage. Edited by J. HORACE ROUND, M.A., and OSWALD BARRON, F.S.A. Family History and Heraldry. Edited by OSWALD BARRON, F.S.A. Agriculture. Edited by SIR ERNEST CCARKF., M.A., Sec. to the Royal Agricultural Society Forestry. Edited by JOHN NISBET, D.Otc. Industries, Arts and Manufactures "| Social and Economic History .- By Various Authorities Persons Eminent in Art, Literature, Science J Ancient and Modern Sport. Edited by the L)ukt or BEAUFORT and E. D. CUMINS Hunting } Shooting J- By Various Authorities Fishing, etc. J Cricket. Edited by HOME GORDON Football. Edited by C. W. ALCOCJ Bibliographies Indexes Names of the Subscribers ILLUSTRATIONS Among the many thousands of subjects illustrated will be castles, cathedrals and churches, mansions and manor houses, moot halls and market halls, family portraits, etc. Particular attention will be given to the beautiful and quaint examples of architecture which, through decay or from other causes, are in danger of disappearing. The best examples of church brasses, coloured glass, and monumental effigies will be depicted. The Series will also contain 1 60 pictures in photogravure, showing the characteristic scenery of the counties. I ix b