Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/109

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INSECTS Lepidoptera, and published some important papers on the Pterophorida?, etc. His attention was chiefly directed to continental insects, and he appears to have done little work near home. A few notes by him, chiefly upon insects occurring at Edgbaston, are scattered through the early volumes of the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. Mr. F. Enock, who at one time lived at Birmingham, published the first account of Warwickshire insects with which I am acquainted. 1 It however was a mere list of names, and as the area covered included a large part of Staffordshire and Worcestershire as well as Warwickshire, the right to an inclusion of any particular species in our list would be doubtful. No localities are indicated in any way, but it is probable that most of the species were taken at Knowle or Sutton. The list moreover was a com- pilation from lists supplied, I believe, by Mr. W. G. Blatch and others, and as no names are quoted it is impossible to judge of the value of any particular record or to fix credit or responsibility. There are cer- tainly a number of undoubted errors, and I have quoted it with caution. Other records of Mr. Enock's have occurred from time to time in the pages of the magazines, and a few are quoted by E. Newman in his British Butterflies. The late Mr. W. G. Blatch was undoubtedly one of the most dis- tinguished entomologists in the midlands, and he was almost the only one who steadily worked the local fauna. He is best known as a cole- opterist, in which capacity he did excellent work, introducing several species to the British list and making a good reputation for carefulness and exactness. His collections for the most part have passed into the hands of Mr. H. Willoughby Ellis, who is responsible for the list of Coleoptera in this work ; he however made a special collection of mid- land Coleoptera, which was bought for Birmingham by Mr. G. H. Kenrick, and is now in the keeping of the Birmingham Entomological Society. In addition to Coleoptera however he made large collections of Lepidoptera and Hemiptera, and as most of his specimens are care- fully labelled his collections have been drawn upon freely for purposes of this present list. He lived at Small Heath for many years and after- wards at Knowle, and both these localities will be frequently quoted. Many notes appeared from his pen in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, chiefly recording the capture of new or rare Coleoptera. In 1886 he furnished incomplete lists of the midland Coleoptera and Lepidoptera to the Handbook to Birmingham, prepared for the use of the British Associa- tion on the occasion of their meeting in Birmingham. This however, like Mr. F. Enock's list mentioned above, was to some extent a compil- ation, and authorities are never quoted. Localities are however given, and as most of it was the result of his own work it has formed the best account of our local insect fauna that we have had till now. Dr. Baly, the well known writer on exotic Coleoptera, was a Warwick man, but 1 Proceedings of the Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Micro. Sac. for 1869, 'A List of the Lepidoptera captured within ten miles of Birmingham during the years 1867-9.' A supplement was published in the same series in the following year. 71