Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/734

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1894

22 USC 2311, 2347. 22 USC 2751 "° ®'


PUBLIC LAW 98-473—OCT. 12, 1984

assistance funds available in the second half of fiscal year 1985 for El Salvador not be obligated until substantial progress has been made on each of the above points: Provided further, That $5,000,000 of the amount made available by this Act for military assistance and financing for El Salvador under chapters 2 and 5 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and under the Arms Export Control Act may not be expended until the Government of El Salvador has (1) substantially concluded all investigative action with respect to those responsible for the January 1981 deaths of the two United States land reform consultants Michael Hammer and Mark Pearlman and the Salvadoran Land Reform Institute Director Jose Rodolfo Viera, and (2) brought the accused to trial and obtained a verdict: Provided further. That funds appropriated under this paragraph may be made available for Turkey only if the President certifies to the Congress (a) that the United States Government is acting with urgency and determination to oppose any actions aimed at effecting a permanent bifurcation of Cyprus; and is calling upon the Government of Turkey to take without delay all necessary steps to reverse the illegal action declaring an independent state and to promote, pursuant to pertinent United Nations resolutions, the full political and economic unity of the Republic of Cyprus; and 0?) that Turkey is making efforts to ensure that the Turkish C)T)riot community is not taking any actions with regard to the region of Famagusta/Varosha which would prejudice the outcome or otherwise impede intercommunal talks on the future of Cyprus: Provided further. That none of the funds made available by this paragraph may be obligated or expended for the construction or operation of a Regional Military Training Center in Honduras except as provided through the regular notification process of the Committees on Appropriations and until the President provides to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives (1) a report that the Government of Honduras has provided a site for such a Center and assumed responsibility for any competing claims to rights of use or ownership of such site, and has provided written assurances to make that site available on a long-term basis for training by the armed forces of other friendly countries in the region as well as those of Honduras; (2) a detailed plan, with specific cost estimates, for the construction of such a Center at the site provided by the Government of Honduras; and (3) a determination that the Government of Honduras recognizes the need to compensate as required by international law the United States citizen who claims injury from the establishment and operation of the existing Center, and that it is taking appropriate steps to discharge its obligations under international law, in particular the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Righte with the United States, as well as its letter of December 14, 1983, to the United States Trade Representative: Provided further. That the President shall report to the Committees sixty days after the passage of this resolution and again in one hundred and twenty days on progress in resolving this claim; in one hundred and eighty days, the President shall report on the resolution of the claim or, if Honduras has failed to resolve the claim, on the actions which he proposes to take in response to the situation and in particular actions with respect to the granting of preferential trade benefits under the Caribbean Basin Initiative, disbursement of economic support funds or any other funds provided under this resolution and review of the status of Honduras under other, expropriation-related legislation.