Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-377—AUG. 11, 1984

98 STAT. 1285

State or local educational agency and appropriate business concerns; (D) secondary school students observe, participate, and work in local business concerns and business concerns with establishments located in the community; and (E) computer clubs and extracurricular activities involving modern technologies are established in elementary and secondary schools. (3) Partnerships under this subsection may include local educational agencies, business concerns, nonprofit private organizations, institutions of higher education, professional mathematic and scientific associations, museums, libraries, educational television stations, and, if the State so desires, appropriate State agencies. ^

Business and industry.


SEC. 306. (a) Any applicant which desires to receive a grant under this title shall submit an application approved under section 307 to the Foundation, at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such additional information as the Foundation may reasonably require. Each such application shall— (1) describe the activities for which assistance under this title is sought; (2) provide assurances that not more than 5 per centum of the amount received by the applicant in any fiscal year may be expended on administrative expenses; (3) with respect to each program for which assistance is sought, provide assurances that— (A) 30 per centum of the funds for each such project will be furnished by business concerns within the community; (B) 20 per centum of the funds will be supplied by— (i) the State, (ii) the institution of higher education or the local "*'• * "- educational agency, as the case may be, participating in J ^ the program; and (iii) the other parties participating in the program; (C) no stipend will be paid directly to employees of a profitmaking business concern; and (D) teachers participating in the exchange program may not be employed by the participating business concern with which the teacher served within three years after the end sp > of the exchange program unless the teacher repays the full cost of the exchange program to the State and local educational agency, as the case may be; and (4) provide assurances that whenever the program for which assistance is sought includes scholarships, the scholarships be awarded to undergraduate students at institutions of higher education within the State who wish to pursue a course of study in mathematics or science, engineering or computer science, and that each student awarded a scholarship under this title will receive a stipend which shall not exceed the cost of tuition at the institution of higher education plus a stipend of not to exceed $750 for each academic year of study for which the scholarship is awarded; (5) set forth policies and procedures to assure that whenever the application includes a local educational agency, to the extent consistent with the number and location of children in


20 USC 3985.