Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/1237

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-511—OCT. 19, 1984

98 STAT. 2397

and such board shall be afforded an opportunity to respond, in writing, to such appeal. After reviewing such written appeal and response, the Director may, for good cause, overturn the determination of the local school board. The Director shall transmit the determination of such appeal in the form of a written opinion to such board and to such superintendent identifying the reasons for overturning such determination. "(3) The superintendent for education of an agency office of the Bureau may appeal to the Director of the Office any determination by the agency school board that an individual be employed, or not be employed, in an education position in such agency office by filing a written statement describing the determination and the reasons the supervisor believes such determination should be overturned. A copy of such statement shall be submitted to the agency school board and such board shall be afforded an opportunity to respond, in writing, to such appeal. After reviewing such written appeal and response, the Director may, for good cause, overturn the determination of the agency school board. The Director shall transmit the determination of such appeal in the form of a written opinion to such board and to such superintendent identifying the reasons for overturning such determination.". MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM

SEC. 508. Section 1132 is amended— 25 USC 2012. (1) by striking out "the Bureau," and inserting in lieu thereof "the Office,"; (2) by striking out "this Act" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Indian Education Amendments of 1984"; and (3) by striking out "to all agency and area offices of the Bureau and". AUDITS

SEC. 509. Section 1136 is amended by inserting "(a)" after "SEC. 25 USC 2016. 1136." and by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(b) The Inspector General of the Department of the Interior shall establish a system to ensure that financial and compliance audits are conducted of the Bureau, the Office, and each Bureau school at least once in every three years. Audits of Bureau schools shall be based upon the extent to which such school has complied with its local financial plan under section 1129.". Ante, pp. 2395, ^


SEC. 510. Section 1138 is amended by adding at the end thereof the 25 USC 2018. following: "Such regulations shall contain, immediately following each substantive provision of such regulations, citations to the particular section or sections of statutory law or other legal authority upon which such provision is based,". VOLUNTARY SERVICES

SEC. 511. Title XI of the Education Amendments of 1978 is further amended by adding after section 1139 the following new section: