Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 2.djvu/1309

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982


96 STAT. 2671

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that the President of the United States of America shall in the name of human rights take immediate and determined steps to— (1) call upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to permit the concrete resurrection of both the Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches and other independent religions in the largest non-Russian nation both within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and in Eastern Europe; and (2) utilize formal and informal contacts with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics officials in an effort to secure the freedom of religious worship in places of both churches and all other independent religions as their own constitution provides for; and (3) bring to the attention of all national and international religious councils the nature of this Stalinist crime and perpetuated violation of basic human rights, with an appropriate appeal to the commitment of their resources toward achieving the objective of this resolution.

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Agreed to September 30, 1982.


Oct. i, 1982 [S. Con. Res. 127]

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring). That in the enrollment of the bill (S. 2036), to provide for a job Ante, p. 1322. training program and for other purposes, the Secretary of the Senate shall make the following corrections: (1) In section 121(a)(1), strike out "section 7(a)" and insert in lieu thereof "section 8". (2) In section 122(b)(2), strike out "State job training report" and insert in lieu thereof "Governor's coordination and special services plan". (3) In section 125(a), after "section 202(b)(4)" insert "and section 461(b)". (4) In section 141(c), insert "unless" immediately before "such relocation". (5) In section 141(p), strike out "a job training plan" and insert in lieu thereof "part B of this title or part A of title 11". ^ (6) In section 164(d), strike out "subsection (d)" and insert in ^ lieu thereof "subsection (e)". (7) In section 202(a)(2)(A), strike out "excess". (8) In section 203(b)(1), strike out "paragraphs (2) and (3)" and insert in lieu thereof "paragraph (2)". (9) In section 205(e)(3), insert "be" after "may". (10) In section 305, strike out "therefore" and insert in lieu thereof "therefor". (11) In section 481(a), strike out "sections 105(c)(1), 202(a)(1), and 212(a)(l)" and insert in lieu thereof "sections 203(a)(1), 401, and 402". (12) In section 481(b)(1), strike out "section 103" and insert in lieu thereof "section 102". (13) In the second sentence of section 462(e), insert "soon as" after "as".