Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/470

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 444 20 USC 1231a note.

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981 (4) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 1526 of the Education Amendments of 1978 for fiscal year 1982, 1983, or 1984. EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1980

94 Stat. 1499. 20 USC 1221-1 note. 94 Stat. 1502.

SEC. 512. (a) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part D of title XIII of the Education Amendments of 1980 for fiscal year 1982, 1983, or 1984. (b) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part H of title XIII of the Education Amendments of 1980 for fiscal year 1982, 1983, or 1984. E L E M E N T A R Y A N D SECONDARY E D U C A T I O N ACT O P

20 USC 2702 note. 20 USC 2701.

20 USC 2761, 2771, 2781. 20 USC 2722.

20 USC 2921 note. 20 USC 2943 note. 20 USC 2954 note. 20 USC 2963 note. 20 USC 2971 note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 20 USC note. 94 Stat. 20 USC note.

2983 2992 3003 3018 3024 3034 3041 3057 3062 1471. 3065


SEC. 513. (a) The total amount of appropriations to carry out title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 shall not exceed $3,480,000,000 for fiscal year 1982. From the amount appropriated in accordance with the preceding sentence, not more than 14.6 percent of such amount for fiscal year 1982 shall be available to carry out sections 141, 146, and 151, of such Act. After the requirement of the preceding sentence is met, the Secretary of Education shall assure that the amount available for section 117 of such Act bears the same ratio to the amount appropriated in such fiscal year for title I of such Act as the amount available for such section 117 in fiscal year 1980 bore to the total amount appropriated for title I of such Act in fiscal year 1980. Ob) The total amount of appropriations to carry out title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 shall not exceed $31,500,000 for fiscal year 1982. (c)(1) The total amount of appropriations to carry out section 303 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 shall not exceed $25,500,000 for fiscal year 1982. (2) The total amount of appropriations to carry out part B of title III of such Act shall not exceed $1,380,000 for fiscal year 1982. (3) The total amount of appropriations to carry out part C of title III of such Act shall not exceed $3,150,000 for fiscal year 1982. (4) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part D of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (5) The total amount of appropriations to carry out part E of title III of such Act shall not exceed $3,600,000 for fiscal year 1982. (6) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part F of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (7) The total amount of appropriations to carry out part G of title III of such Act shall not exceed $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1982. (8) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part H of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (9) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part I of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (10) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part J of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (11) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part K of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (12) The total amount of appropriations to carry out part L of title III of such Act shall not exceed $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1982. (13) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part M of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982. (14) No funds are authorized to be appropriated to carry out part N of title III of such Act for fiscal year 1982.