Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1487

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-102—DEC. 23, 1981 obligation or expenditure of any appropriation under this Act for contracts for any consulting service shall be limited to contracts which are ( D a matter of public record and available for public inspection, and (2) thereafter included in a publicly available list of all contracts entered into within 24 months prior to the date on which the list is made available to the public and of all contracts on which performance has not been completed by such date. The list required by the preceding sentence shall be updated quarterly and shall include a narrative description of the work to be performed under each such contract. SEC. 318. (a) For fiscal year 1982 and thereafter, a department or establishment—as defined in section 2 of the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921—shall submit annually to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, as part of its budget justification, the estimated amount of funds requested for consulting services; the appropriation accounts in which such funds are located; and a brief description of the need for consulting services, including a list of major programs that require consulting services. (b) For fiscal year 1982 and thereafter, the Inspector General of such department or establishment, or comparable official, or if there is no Inspector General or comparable official, the agency head or the agency head's designee, shall submit to the Congress along with the budget justification an evaluation of the agency's progress to institute effective management controls and improve the accuracy and completeness of the data provided to the Federal Procurement Data System regarding consultant service contractual arrangements. SEC. 319. None of the funds in this Act shall be used to implement, administer, or enforce any regulation which has been disapproved pursuant to a resolution of disapproval duly adopted in accordance with the applicable law of the United States. SEC. 320. None of the funds provided in this Act shall be available for the implementation or execution of programs, the obligations for which are in excess of $50,000,000 in fiscal year 1982 for the "Deepwater Port Liability Funds". SEC. 321. The weeks of June 13 through July 4, 1982, are designated as "National Clean-up and Flag-up America's Highways Weeks", and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe this period with appropriate ceremonies and activities. SEC. 322. None of the funds provided in the Act to any Department or Agency shall be obligated or expended to provide a personal cook, chauffeur, or other personal servants to any officer or employee of such Department or Agency, excluding those positions from this provision which serve dual roles pertaining to a security or law enforcement function. SEC. 323. Except for security mission automobiles, none of the funds provided in this Act to any Department or Agency shall be obligated or expended to procure passenger automobiles as defined in 15 U.S.C. 2001 with an EPA estimated miles per gallon average of less than 22 miles per gallon. SEC. 324. None of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used to implement, administer, or enforce Order 81-5-27 of the Civil Aeronautics Board or any other order of the Civil Aeronautics Board which prohibits or has the effect of prohibiting any United States air carrier from participating in the International Air Transport Association's North Atlantic Traffic Conference under its existing articles and provisions: Provided, That this limitation may be terminated by

95 STAT. 1461

Consulting service estimates, submittal to congressional committees. 31 USC 28. 31 USC 2. Progress evaluation, submittal to Congress.

Deepwater Port Liability Funds.

National Cleanup and Flag-up America's Highways Weeks, designation. Personal

Passenger automobiles, procurement.

International Air Transport Association's North Atlantic Traffic Conference.