Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/584

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 3228

PUBLIC LAW 96-550—DEC. 19, 1980 available for the purpose of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park. (b) Thirty three outlying sites generally depicted on a map entitled "Chaco Culture Archeological Protection Sites", numbered 310/ 80,033-A and dated August 1980, are hereby designated as "Chaco Culture Archeological Protection Sites". The thirty three archeological protection sites totaling approximately eight thousand seven hundred and seventy one acres are identified as follows:

Name: Allentown Andrews Ranch Bee Burrow Bisa'ani easa del Rio eoolidge Dalton Pass Great Bend Greenlee Ruin Grey Hill Spring Halfway House Haystack Hogback Indian Creek Jacques KinNizhoni Lake Valley Las Ventanas Morris 41 Muddy Water Newcomb Peach Springs Pierre's Site Raton Well San Mateo Sanostee Section 8 Skunk Springs/Crumbled House Standing Rock Twin Angels Toh-la-kai Upper Kin Klizhin Squaw Springs List additions or deletions, submittal to Congress. 16 USC 410ii-2. Supra. Lands, waters, and interests, acquisition. 16 USC 410ii-3.

Acres 42 640 40 131 40 15 10 19 60 23 40 115 371 100 40 726 30 31 85 1,210 44 985 440 23 14 1,565 40 588 321 40 10 60 870

SEC. 503. The Secretary of the Interior shall continue to search for additional evidences of Chacoan sites and submit to Congress within two years of date of enactment of this Act and thereafter as needed, his recommendations for additions to, or deletions from, the list of archeological protection sites in section 50203) of this title. Additions to or deletions from such list shall be made only by an Act of Congress. SEC. 504. (a) The Secretary is authorized to acquire lands, waters, and interests therein within the boundaries of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park (hereinafter referred to as the "park") and the archeological protection sites as identified in section 502 of this title by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or exchange. Property owned by the State of New Mexico or any political subdivision thereof, may be acquired by exchange or donation only. Property held in trust for the benefit of any Indian tribe or for the benefit of any individual member thereof may be acquired only with the consent of such owner or beneficial owner as the case may be. (b) The respective tribal authorities are authorized to convey by exchange, purchase, on donation the beneficial interest in any lands designated by section 502 of this Act and held in trust by the United States for the respective tribes, to the Secretary, subject to such terms