Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/1123

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-487—DEC. 2, 1980

94 STAT. 2401

sampling phase proposed by United States Borax and Chemical Corporation in the Quartz Hill area. A draft of such EIS shall be completed within twelve months after the date of enactment of this Act. This EIS shall incorporate all relevant data and other information included in the EIS previously prepared by the Secretary on access to the Quartz Hill area. Such EIS shall also include but not necessarily be limited to— (A) an evaluation of alternative surface access routes which may minimize the overall impact on fisheries of both access for bulk sampling and mine development access; (B) an evaluation of the impacts of the alternatives on fish, wildlife, and their habitats, and measures which may be instituted to avoid or minimize negative impacts and to enhance positive impacts; (C) an evaluation of the extent to which the alternatives can be used for, and the likelihood of each alternative being used as a mine development road, including the impacts of widening a road, realinements and other design and placement options; and (D) plans to evaluate the water quality and water quantity, fishery habitat, and other fishery values of the affected area, and to evaluate, to the maximum extent feasible and relevant, the sensitivity to environmental degradation from activities carried out under a plan of operations of the fishery habitat as it affects the various life stages of anadromous fish and other foodflsh and their major food chain components. (4)(A) Within four months after the publication of the final environmental impact statement required in subsection (h)(3), the Secretary shall complete any administrative review of a decision on the proposal covered by the EIS and shall issue to the applicant a special use permit for a surface access road for bulk sampling unless he shall determine that construction or use of such a road would cause an unreasonable risk of significant irreparable damage to the habitats of viable populations of fish management indicator species and the continued productivity of such habitats. If the applicant should seek judicial review of any denial of the permit for a surface access road, the burden of proof on the issue of denying the permit shall be on the Secretary. (B) The Secretary shall not issue a special use permit until after he has determined that the full field season of work for gathering base line data during 1981 has ended. (5) It is the intent of Congress that any judicial review of any administrative action pursuant to this section, including compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, shall be expedited to the maximum extent possible. Any proceeding before a Federal court in which an administrative action pursuant to this section, including compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, is challenged shall be assigned for hearing and completed at the earliest possible date, and shall be expedited in every way by such court, and such court shall render its final decision relative to any challenge within one hundred and twenty days after the date the response to such challenge is filed unless such court determines that a longer period of time is required to satisfy the requirements of the United States Constitution. (6) Upon application of the United States Borax and Chemical Corporation or its successors in interest, the Secretary shall permit the use by such applicant of such limited areas within the Misty Fjords National Monument Wilderness as the Secretary determines to be necessary for activities, including but not limited to the

Administrative review

Judicial review. 42 USC 4321 note.