Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/1423

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980





Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, Oreg 67 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 2371 Arctic Slope Regional Corp 2371 Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 948 Coal, federally owned deposit leases...1701, 2269 Colorado River Basin, land acquisition and disposal 1063 Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, reservation establishment 1072 Conveyance— Ahtna, Inc., Alaska 2371 Alaska 2371 Anchorage Municipality 2371 Bering Straits Native Corp 2371 Boise, Idaho 2305 Bristol Bay Native Corp., Alaska 2371 Carnegie-Mellon University, Pa 3211 Chugach Natives, Inc 2371 Clark County, Nev 3381 Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Alaska 2371 Doyon, Ltd., Alaska 2371 Eklutna,Inc 2371 Flagstaff, Ariz 3371 Flagstaff Medical Regional Center, Ariz 3371 Gambell Native Corp., Alaska 2371 Goldbelt, Inc., Alaska 2371 Grand Lake, Colo 3265 Hot Springs, Ark 81 Kisatchie National Forest, La 2267 Koniag Inc 2371 Koniag Village Corporations 2371 Kootznoowoo, Inc., Alaska 2371 Michigan Job Development Authority, Mich 339 NANA Regional Corp., Alaska 2371 National Historic Preservation Act Amendments of 1980 2987 Pima County, Ariz 3371 Pribilof Islands, Alaska 2371 Savoonga Native Corp., Alaska 2371 Sealaska, Inc., Alaska 2371 Shee Atika, Inc., Alaska 2371 Tanalian, Inc., Alaska 2371 Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corp 2371 Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Colo 2565 Veterans' Disability Compensation and Housing Benefits Amendments of 1980 1528 Virgin Islands 84 Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska 2371 Cook Inlet, Alaska, land exchange, time extension 947 Cook Inlet Village Settlement 2371 Housing and Community Development Act of 1980 1614

Indian lands held in trust, restricted commercial transactions with Federal employees 544 Indian restricted lands, transfer to heirs or lineal descendants 1207 Kaktovik Inupiat Corp., land exchange 2371 Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Hawaii 3321 Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 1785 Mar-A-Lago National Historic Site, redesignated Mar-A-Lago National Historic Landmark and transfered to Marjorie Merriweather Post Foundation 3381 Memorial commemorating men and women of U.S. Navy, authorized use of lands in District of Columbia 67 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Amendments Act of 1980 929 Navajo Tribe, N. Mex., lands held in trust for 1060 Paiute Indian Tribe, Nev., lands held in trust for 2561 Sioux Indian Tribe, Minn., lands held in trust for 3262 Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, N. Dak.-S.Dak., inheritance of trust or restricted land 537 Tule River Tribe, Calif., lands held in trust for 1067 Wa-He-Lute Indian School, Wash., lands held in trust for 544 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, amendments 611 Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, amendments 2237, 2745 Pueblo Dam and Reservoir, Colo., design and construction costs for Bessemer Ditch works 940 Puerto Rico: Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 500 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 2767 Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980 229 Defense Department civilian employees, rotation rights 3493 Education Amendments of 1980 1367 Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1980 1312 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1980 1322 Maritime Education and Training Act of 1980 1997 Petroleum Import Adjustment Program and import fees...3736, 3747, 3750

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1330; Part 2 contains pages 1331-2696; Part 3 contains pages 2697-3812.