Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/944

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2 2 2 4


PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 disadvantaged background who has demonstrated such proficiency or potential as will enable the student, after satisfactory participation in a project, to undertake successfully a course of study in a biomedical science at an institution of higher education. Such proficiency or potential shall be determined in a manner such that (A) a student from a non-English speaking background is not penalized for the student's lack of proficiency in English, and (B) due notice is taken of difficulties inherent in traditional testing methods. " (9) The term 'target student' means, with respect to a project offered in an academic year in cooperation with a secondary school system or systems, a talented student from an economically disadvantaged background who is enrolled in the school system or systems in the academic year— " (A) in the ninth or tenth grade, or " (B) in the eleventh or twelfth grade and who has participated satisfactorily in a project (or in a program comparable to a project) for not less than one hundred hours during the student's enrollment in the ninth or tenth grade in a school system. uPROJECTS

Grants and contracts. 20 USC 3053.

Applications, selection.

42 USC 254e.


" SEC. 383. (a) To the extent provided in appropriation Acts, the Commissioner is authorized to make grants to and enter into contracts with institutions of higher education for the purpose of offering projects to educate, motivate, and encourage students from an economically disadvantaged background to pursue t r a i n i n g at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the biomedical sciences. " (b) The Commissioner, in his selection among applications meeting the requirements for approval under section 385, shall (1) give priority to each such qualified application that proposes the offering of a program not previously offered, (2) give special consideration to each such qualified application that proposes the offering of a project to students enrolled in secondary schools located in a health manpower shortage area (designated under section 332 of the Public Health Service Act) or in a r u r a l area, and (3) take into account the location where the project is proposed to be offered to assure that projects are offered in a diversity of geographic settings. " (c) The amount of money to be provided, under any g r a n t or contract entered into for a project, for all its expenses (other than special expenses approved by the Commissioner for its summer program offered pursuant to section 384(a) (10)) for a single fiscal year may not exceed an amount equal to $2,400 for each talented student from an economically disadvantaged background who was a full participant in the project in the academic year ending in that fiscal year. u.PROJECT

20 USC 3054.



" S E C 384. (a) E a c h project funded under this part shall— " (1) except as provided in subsection (b), extend over a multiyear g r a n t or contract period of at least five academic years; " (2)(A) be carried out in cooperation with a public or private nonprofit secondary school system, or with a combination of such systems, which is located in the area in which the applicant is