Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/841

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-557—OCT. 31, 1978

92 STAT. 2121

(6) the applicant demonstrates that the residents of the neighborhood where the project will be located, and particularly residents who will be directly affected by the project, have been actively involved in and supportive of the selection of the project, and will continue to be involved in project development, implementation, and evaluation through an effective and continuing participation mechanism; and (7) the applicant provides evidence that identified funding sources support the project and can make funds available contingent on the progress of the project. (c) Grants and other forms of assistance made available under this section shall be used primarily for preparing and the implementation of specific neighborhood housing, economic, and community development projects. No grant or other assistance or portion thereof shall be made available under this section for (1) planning functions which are not directly combined with project implementation, (2) a public works project such as street repair which is not associated with the specific project being funded under this section, (3) operation of a social service program which is not associated with the specific project , being funded under this section, (4) an economic development project which will not primarily benefit the residents of the neighborhood in which it will be located, (5) operating costs of a community group which are not associated with the specific project being fmided under this section, or (6) other purposes which the Secretary may determine are not consistent with the purposes of this title. (d) Grants and other forms of assistance may be made available under this title only if the application contains a certification by the unit of general local government within which the neighborhood to be assisted is located that such assistance is consistent with, and supportive of the specific objectives of that unit of government including housing and community development, economic development, and nei^borhood conservation or revitalization activities being carried ouVby such unit. (e) The Secretary shall consult with the heads of other Federal Consultation and departments and agencies having responsibilities related to the pur- coordination, poses of this title, including the Community Services Administration, with respect to (1) general standards, policies, and procedures to be followed in the administration of this title, and (2) particular assistance actions or approvals which the Secretary believes to be of special interest or concern to one or more of such departments and agencies. The Secretary shall ensure the close coordination of activities assisted under this title with other related Federal, State, and local assistance programs, including the programs of the Community Services Administration, and, with respect to particular assistance actions or approvals, ensure a maximum commitment by the neighborhood organization of its own financial and other resources toward the assisted project. APPROPRIATIONS

SEC. 705. There are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose 42 USC 8124. of carrying out this title not to exceed $15.000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1979 and 1980. Any amount appropriated pursuant to this section shall remain available until expended.