Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/675

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

PUBLIC LAW 95-524—OCT. 27, 1978

92 STAT. 1955

public or private sector employers, which shall be designed to increase the employability of the participants through development of work habits, occupational skills, and linkages with other training programs, or to provide temporary employment to individuals who are seeking suitable placement in classroom training, on-the-job training, public service employment, or other such employment and training opportunities; "(7) payments or other inducements to public or private .SM^i i = H employers to expand job opportunities, in accordance with section 121(1); "(8) services to individuals to enable them to retain employment; -SM'i.,.ion " (9) supportive services, including, but not limited to, necessary health care, child care, residential support, or assistance in securing bonds, and transportation, needed to enable individuals to participate in employment and training; " • "(10) development of labor market information, and activities such as job restructuring, to make the program more responsive to the needs of the eligible population; "(11) training, employment opportunities, and related services conducted by community based organizations; "(12) part-time, flexitime, and other alternative working arrangements for individuals who are unable because of age, handicap, or other factors to work full-time: "(13) payment of allowances to persons in training for which they receive no remuneration, and payment of such allowances for transportation, subsistence, or other expenses incurred in training or employment; and "(14) any programs or activities authorized by part A of title III, title IV, and title VII of this Act. Post, pp. 1974, 2010. LIMITATIONS ON USE OF FUNDS

"SEC. 212. (a) No prime sponsor may use funds allocated for parts 29 USC 847. A, B, and C for public service employment. "(b) Work experience programs conducted under this part, except for in-school youth, shall— "(1) be designed to lead to unsubsidized employment, and " (2) be subject to the limitations on duration specified in section 121 (c)(2) and section 121(i), Ante, p. 1934. unless the prime sponsor's plan as approved by the Secretary establishes that the lack of alternative job opportunities in the area makes such conditions and limitations impractical. "ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTECIPATION

"SEC. 213. A person shall be eligible to participate in a program 29 USC 848. receiving financial assistance under this part only if such person is economically disadvantaged and either unemployed, underemployed, or in school. " SERVICES FOR


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"SEC. 214. (a) Services for youth under this part shall be designed 29 USC 849. to assist eligible participants in overcoming the particular barriers to employment experienced by youth, including lack of basic educational or vocational skills, insufficient preparation for the personal adaptations necessary for labor force participation, inability to find or sue-