Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 92 Part 2.djvu/1016

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PUBLIC LAW 95-000—MMMM. DD, 1978

92 STAT. 2296

PUBLIC LAW 95-561—NOV. 1, 1978 except that no State shall receive less than $50,000 in any such fiscal year. " (3) For the purpose of this subsection the term 'State' means the several States, the Commonwealth of P u e r to Rico, and the District of Columbia. " (b) The amount of any State's allotment under subsection (a) for any fiscal year which the Commissioner determines will not be required for such fiscal year shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates during such year as the Commissioner may fix, to other States in proportion to the original allotments to such States under subsection (a) for that year but with such proportionate amount for any of such other States being reduced to the extent it exceeds the sum the Commissioner estimates such State needs and will be able to use for such year; and the total of such reduction shall be similarly reallotted among the States whose proportionate amounts were not so reduced. Any amounts reallotted to a State under this subsection during a year from funds appropriated under section 903 shall be deemed part of its allotment under section (a) for such year. "ADMINISTRATION"

20 USC 3317.

Ante, p. 2143.

" SEC. 907. (a) The Commissioner shall designate an administrative unit within the Office of Education to administer the programs and projects authorized by this part and to coordinate all program s for gifted and talented children and youth administered by the Office of Education. " (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any Indian tribe which operates schools for its children shall be deemed to be a local educational agency for the purposes of this part. " (c) No financial assistance may be made to a local educational agency for a period in excess of 5 years. The limitation contained in this subsection shall not apply to any financial assistance extended prior to the date of enactment of the Education Amendments of 1978. "FEDERAL

20 USC 3318.


" SEC. 908. The Federal share for any fiscal year shall be 90 per centum, except that the Federal share for the clearinghouse activities under section 905(a)(4), the research, evaluation and related activities under section 9 0 5 (a)(6), and programs and projects involving the participation of students in for nonprofit private elementary and secondary schools shall be 100 per centum. " P A R T B — E D U C A T I O N A L PROFICIENCY



20 USC 3331.

" SEC. 921. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to make g r a n t s to any State educational agency (or to any local educational agency located in a State in which the State educational agency has not submitted an application for a g r a n t under this section) to carry out any plan approved by the Commissioner in accordance with this section to assist students in achieving levels of educational proficiency compatible with basic standards established by such educational agency. " (b)(1) E a c h applicant which desires to receive a g r a n t under this section may submit an application to the Commissioner. Any such