Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/497

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-280—MAY 5, 1976

90 STAT. 447

D a l l a s / Fort W o r t h Regional Airport. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $7,000,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977. URBAN SYSTEM STUDY

SEC. 149. The Secretary of Transportation is authorized and directed to conduct a study of the various factors involved in the planning, selection, programing, and implementation of Federal-aid urban system routes which shall include but not be limited to the following: (1) A n analysis of the various types of organizations now in being which carry out the planning process required by section 134 of title 23, United States Code. Such analysis shall include but not be limited to the degree of representation of various governmental units within the urbanized area, the organizational structure, size and calibre of staff, authority provided to the organization under State and local law, and relation to State governmental entities. (2) The status of jurisdiction over roads on the Federal-aid urban system (State, county, city, or other local body h a v i n g control). (3) Program i n g responsibilities under local and State laws with respect to the Federal-aid urban system. (4) The authority for and capability of local units of government to carry out the necessary steps to process a highway project through and including the plan, specification, and estimate requirement of section 106 of title 23, United States Code, and final construction. Such study shall be carried out in cooperation with State, county, city, and other local organizations which the Secretary deems appropriate. The study shall be submitted to the Congress within six months of enactment of this section.

23 USC 134note.

Submittal to Congress.


SEC. 150. (a) The Secretary of Transportation is hereby directed to undertake a complete study of the financing of completion of the Interstate H i g h w a y System. Such study should identify and analyze optional financing methods including State bonding authority under which the Secretary contracts to reimburse the States for u p to 90 per centum of the principal and interest on such bonds. The Secretary shall report to the Congress not later than nine months after the date of enactment of this Act the results of the study. (b) W i t h i n one year of the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress his recommendations regarding the need to provide Federal financial assistance for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of routes on the Interstate System. I n arriving at his recommendations, he shall conduct a full and complete study in cooperation and in consultation with the States of alternative means of assuring that the high level of transportation service provided by the Interstate System is maintained. The results of the study shall accompany the Secretary's recommendations. The study shall include an estimate of the cost of implementing any recommended programs as well as an analysis of alternative methods of apportioning such Federal assistance among the States.

89-194 O—78—pt. 1


23 USC 101 note


Report to Congress. Recommendations, submittal to Congress.