Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/269

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-233—MAR. 15, 1976

Public Law 94-233 94th Congress

An Act

To establish an independent and regionalized United States Parole Commission, to provide fair and equitable parole procedures, and for other purposes.

90 STAT. 219

Mar. 15, 1976 [H.R. 5727]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Parole Commission be cited as the "Parole Commission and Reors^anization Act". UNITED STATES PAROLE COMMISSION; PAROLE PROCEDURES, CONDITIONS, ETC.

SEC. 2. Title 18 of the United States Code is amended by repealing chapter 311 (relating to parole) and inserting in lieu thereof the following new chapter to read as follows:

and Reorganization Act

18 USC 4201 note. Repeal.

"Chapter 311—PAROLE "Sec. "4201. "4202. "4203. "4204. "4205. "4206. "4207. "4208. "4209. "4210. "4211. "4212. "4213. "4214. "4215. "4216. "4217. "4218.

Definitions. Parole Commission created. Powers and duties of the Commission. Powers and duties of the Chairman. Time of eligibility for release on parole. Parole determination criteria. Information considered. Parole determination proceeding; time. Conditions of parole. Jurisdiction of Commission. Early termination of parole. Aliens. Summons to appear or warrant for retaking of parolee. Revocation of parole. Reconsideration and appeal. Young adult offenders. Warrants to retake Canal Zone parole violators, Applicability of Administrative Procedure Act.

"§4201. Definitions "As used in this chapter— "(1) 'Commission' means the United States Parole Commission; "(2) 'Commissioner' means any member of the United States Parole Commission; " (3) 'Director' means the Director of the Bureau of Prisons; "(4) 'Eligible prisoner' means any Federal prisoner who is eligible for parole pursuant to this title or any other law including any Federal prisoner whose parole has been revoked and who is not otherwise ineligible for parole; " (5) 'Parolee' means any eligible prisoner who has been released on parole or deemed as if released on parole under section 4164 or section 4205(f); and "(6) 'Rules and regulations'means rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission pursuant to section 4203 and section 553 of title 5, United States Code. "§ 4202. Parole Commission created "There is hereby established, as an independent agency in the Department of Justice, a United States Parole Commission which shall

18 USC 4201.

18 USC 4164.

18 USC 4202. Membership.