Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 90 Part 1.djvu/1029

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1976

PUBLIC LAW 94-363—JULY 14, 1976 with any matter pertaining to the employment of such officer or employee or pertaining to the United States Postal Service in any way, irrespective of whether such communication or contact is at the initiative of such officer or employee or in response to the request or inquiry of such Member or committee; or (2) removes, suspends from duty without pay, demotes, reduces in rank, seniority, status, pay, or performance or efficiency rating, denied promotion to, relocates, reassigns, transfers, disciplines, or discriminates in regard to any employment right, entitlement, or benefit, or any term or condition of employment of, any officer or employee of the United States Postal Service, or attempts or threatens to commit any of the foregoing actions with respect to such officer or employee, by reason of any communication or contact of such officer or employee with any Member or committee of Congress as described in paragraph (1) of this subsection. SEC. 608. No part of any approjoriation contained in this or any other Act, shall be available to finance interdepartmental boards, commissions, councils, committees, or similar groups under section 214 of the Independent Offices Appropriations Act, 1946 (31 U.S.C 691) which do not have prior and specific congressional approval of such method of financial support. SEC. 609. Appropriations available to any department or agency during the current fiscal year for necessary expenses, including maintenance or operating expenses, shall also be available for payment to the General Services Administration for charges for space and services and those expenses of renovation and alteration of buildings and facilities which constitute public improvements, performed in accordance with the Public Buildings Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 749), the Public Buildings Amendments of 1972 (86 Stat. 216), or other applicable law. SEC. 610. Funds made available by this or any other Act to the fund created by the Public Buildings Amendments of 1972 (86 Stat. 216), and the "Postal Service fund" (89 JJ.S.C. 2003), shall be available for employment of guards for all buildings and areas owned or occupied by the United States or the Postal Service and under the charge and control of the General Services Administration or the Postal Service, and such guards shall haA^e, with respect to such property, the powers of special policemen provided by the first section of the Act of June 1, 1948 (62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318), but shall not be restricted to certain Federal property as otherwise required by the proviso contained in said section, and, as to property owned or occupied by the Postal Service, the Postmaster General may take the same actions as the Administrator of General Services may take under the provisions of sections 2 and 3 of the Act of June 1, 1948 (62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318a, 318b) attaching thereto penal consequences under the authority and within the limits provided in section 4 of the Act of June 1, 1948 (62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318c). SEC. 611. None of the funds available under this Act shall be available for administrative expenses in connection with the transfer of any functions, personnel, facilities, equipment, or funds out of the United States Customs Service unless such transfers have been specifically authorized by the Congress. SEC. 612. None of the funds available under this Act shall be available for administrative expenses for the purpose of transferring the border control activities of the United States Customs Service to any other agency of the Federal Government.

90 STAT. 979

Interdepartmental groups, expenses.

Space and service charges and building improvements.

40 USC 601 note. 40 USC 603 note. U.S. or Postal Service guards, funds.

Border control activities.