Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/96

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70 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 96. 1846. since the first January, eighteen hundred and forty-six, thirty thousand dollars. smeya. For surveys in reference to the military defences of the frontier, inland and Atlantic, twenty thousand dollars. For military and geographical surveys west of the Mississippi, thirty thousand dollars. For continuing the surveys of the northern and north-western lakes, twenty-five thousand dollars. A ro nation Sec. 2. And be it urther enacted, That the followin sums be pp p _ S _ . f¤¤‘k¤¤¤<>¤§‘>¤g? 0; and the same are hereby, appropriated, to meet the expenditures {Q2 .° ° which may be incurred under the acts passed during the present ,846 ch 1., session " to authorize an increase of the rank and file of the army, ’` and to provide for raising a regiment of mounted riflemen," viz.; pu_y_ For pay, eight hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and twelve dollars. 0mcm.,,,,bs,S_ For commutation of officers’ subsistence, twelve thousand seven toncc. hundred and seventy-five dollars. Fomga ,-0, Og;. For commutation of forage for officers’ horses, eight thousand one ¤¤¤’¤' h°¤‘¤<=¤· hundred and sixty dollars. Pa mem in For payment in lieu of clothing to officers’ servants, one thousand 1ieu ofclothing. one hundred and ten dollars. Subsmcnm For subsistence in kind, four hundred and eighty-seven thousand four hundred and forty-two dollars. R,,,,,,,,,,,,g_ For expenses of recruiting, seventy-nine thousand six hundred ‘ dollars. Clothing, cq,,i_ For clothing, camp, garrison, and horse equipage, two hundred page, cse. and eighty-four thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars. Rcguya, ,,1,,. For the regular supplies of the quartermaster’s department, conplics M` quarter- sistin of fuel, fora e, straw, &.c. one hundred and thirteen thousand l'!l$1SlZ8!"8 dBPB.I'l.· d I g g , o lars. mzgdeml gx_ For the incidental expenses of the quartermaster’s department, pgnsgg 0;- ,1,,,,,. consisting of expenses of courts-martial and courts of inquiry, extra ¤¤rm=¤¤•=r'¤ d¤- a to soldiers urchase of horses for dra oons Geo. ninet -three P*"""°"i“ ihdusand five liuiidred dollars g l l y Tmnspomtgon For transportation of troops and supplies for the army, three hun- =¤¤l ¤¤i>Pli¤¤· dred and twenty-two thousand dollars. Medical and For the medical and hospital department, twenty thousand dollars. h°¤P**¤I d°P¤**· Approved, August 8, 1846. ment. Aug. 8, 1846. Can. XCVI.—.£ln Act making Jp rrzn-m' tion: for me supper: afme Military —·—;·· Jcademyfor the Year ending an tg: t irtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty- seven. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the follow- Appropriation. ing sums be, and the sameare hereby, appropriated out of any money in_the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy for the year ending on the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-seven: Pay. For pay of officers, instructors, cadets, and musicians, seventy-eight thousand nine hundred dollars. Subsistence, 5H2Foi' eiiommutation of subsistence, five thousand two hundred and y-six ollars. Forage. h Fgr goérimutation of forage for officers’ horses, two thousand four un re dollars. Cl¤¤¤i¤s· For clothing for their servants, four hundred and twenty dollars. Iaeideutai and For repairs and improvements, fuel, and apparatus, forage for public