Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/858

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PRIVATE ACTS OF THE THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS or rue UNITED STATES, Passed at the second Session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Cblumbia, on Monday, the 2d day of December, 1850, and ended Mmnday, the 3d day of Marclz, 1851. Mumama Frtmroize, President; Wrpprnix R. Kmo, President of the Senate; Howmm. Conn, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dec. 24, 1850, CHAP. I. -·An Act for the Relief of Gamaliel Taylor (late Marshal of the Dis- ———-·-—· trict of Indiana ) and his Sureties. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ry' Representatives ey" the Gamalie1'1`ay- United States of America in Congress assembled, That Gamaliel Tay- {3:: *;*1 lor, late marshal of the State of Indiana, together with the sureties on 1,,,,,,; from we his official bond, dated March fourteenth, in the year of our Lord t¤i¤ li¤l>iliti¢¤- eighteen hundred and thirty-six, be, and they are hereby, released from all liabil_ity in consequence of the acts of said Gamaliel Taylor, in the levy and execution of a certain " distress warrant," issued from the office of the solicitor of the treasury, on the twenty-eighth day of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, directed against James T. _ Legal proceed- Pollock, late receiver at Crawfordsville, Indiana; and that the proper

¥,fe“£:‘_§:sl;g“ officer of the treasury department be, and is hereby, authorized and

' directed to dismiss any and all suits that may have been instituted, and are now pending, and to suspend proceedings upon any judgment that may have been rendered in favor of the United States against said Gamaliel Taylor and said sureties, or any one of them, growing out of the execution of said distress warrant. Avrnovno, December 24, 1850. Jan. 27, 1851. Cru!. III. ——-An Act to renew and continue in Force the Charter of the ** Potomac ‘" _""'*' Insurance Company" of Georgetown. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives tf the Pg:;;;;;' °l1§g;: United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled msu,,,,,,,, com, "An Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in Georgetown, m pany renewed the District of CoIumbia," approved the second March, eighteen htm- °“d °xt°“d°d‘ dred and thirty-one, and the act entitled “An Act to amend the chaf-

 °;‘   ter of the Potomac Fire Insurance Company of Georgetown," approved

' °" the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirtyseven, behind the (80