Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/833

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 159, 160, 16], 162, 163. 1849. 783 Can. CLIX. -—An dot for the Reliqf of Daniel Robinson. Much 3 mm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the "_'_"' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper ac- Accounting ofcounting officcrs of the treasury bc, and they are hereby, instructed to ;ig;"au§’pf;2‘§; ascertain the amount of damages sustained by Daniel Robinson, of amount of oom- Glouoester,Massachusctts, in consequence of u violation, on the part gg? F‘i%‘;;l°‘} of the United States, of a. contract made between the United States An age con;- and the said Daniel Robinson, and to pay to him, out of any money in qp¤¤<=5= of the the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the said amount of damages by :;:1;;*;; bgfthz him sustained. U. S., made with Armovun, March 3, 1849. mm- Crnv. CL:X.—·¤01I Act for the Rcliqfaf J'V‘0a/L .6. I’heQ2s. 1w1am]; 3, 1849, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 1y' the United States zf America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary tN°¤hbA·Ph°lP3 of the Treasury bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, ing 13;,; bfgq out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Noah tlio sum awmxgh A. Phelps, of Connecticut, the sum of four hundred and sixteen dol- gxlffogfg lars and thirteen cents, it being the sum awarded to him by the District U_ s, for ais. Court of the United States for the district of Connecticut, on the fourth **'i°*°fC°¤¤°°*i· Tuesday of May, eighteen hundred and forty-six. mt' Avrnovzv, March 3, 1849. Gnu. CLXI.-dn Act for the Reliqf of H. Carrington, Executar of Paulim March 3, 1849. Le Grand, deceased. ·——·—; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Sccrctary The S¢¢¤¤*¤‘Y of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay to H. Wégrfglgggg Carrington, executor of the last will of Paulina Le Grand, deceased, the pair yearly the half yearly pension of three hundred dollars, which was due and d“° owing to the said Paulina, in September, anno Domino eighteen hun- Grand, deceased_ drad and forty-four ; and which pension was duly demanded by the said Paulina in hor lifetime, but not paid, because the necessary appropriation had not been mode. Armovun, March 3, 1849. CHA?. CLXII. · An dd for the Rcliqf of Hervey Jones. March 3, 1949. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sams of America in Congress assembled, That the name of A 1>·¢¤=i¤=f { Hervey Jones, a. private in the militia of New York during the last gowlgf war, be placed upon the list of invalid pensioners, at the rate of eight Jones. dollars por mouth, commencing the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and to continue during his natural life. APPROVED, March 3, 1849. Gunn GLXIII. An Act for the Reliqf of Eve Boggs. March 3, 1849. Bc it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the A pension gf United States of Aymerica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary $80 IM ¤¤¤¤¥¤ of War be authorized and directed to place the name of Em Boggs, of §l},g;f1 E" the county of Davidson, and State of North Carolina, widow of John