Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/812

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762 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 54, 55, 56. 1849. Feb. 19, 1849. Cun. LIV.-—An Act to authorize the Secretary of War to make Reparntivn for """“"‘“ the killing of a Caddo Boy by Volunteer Troops in Texas. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the “gf°°tgPP:;g;é United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of five mm,,;;,,,, go, hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any the killing of ¤· money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Seere. fjggljg, bvolulz tary of War to carry out an agreement made and entered into at tem. Torray’s Trading House, in the State of Texas, thirteenth September, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, between R. S. Neighbors, United States special Indian agent, and Colonel P. H. Bell, on the one part, and José Maria Tow-i—ash and Had·i—hah, Caddo Indians, on the other part, to make reparation in money for the killing of a Caddo boy by the volunteer troops in Texas, in the summer of eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Approved, February 19, 1849. Feb. 19, 1849. Cru?. LV. —An det ta relinquish {Ire reursinnary Interest nf the United Slate: ·—""‘_"` in n certain Indian Reservation in the State of Alabama. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ ?¤'°¥Sl°tI¤¤¤'§ United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the right, {lf_Q?: ,,;,,,2,;; title, and interest, which might accrue or revert, or has accrued or retract of land re- verted to the United States, to a certain reservation confirmed to the g:l"l*h°d ’° heirs of ’William Jones, deceased, by the certificate from the United phen Steele . . . ami James pm,- States, bearing date the twelfth day of April, one thousand eight huni¢i· dred and twenty, being known and described as fractional section sixteen, and the south-east and south-west quarters of section nine, in township six, and range five, under a treaty made and concluded at Fort Jackson, on the ninth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and lying in the State of Alabama, be, and the same are hereby relinquished and vested in Stephen Steele and James Daniel, respectively, according to the extent of their several interests therein : Pmvism Provided, however, (and this relinquishment is made upon the condition,) that the said Steele and Daniel, or either of them, have fairly, and in good faith, and for a. valuable and adequate consideration, purchased of the said heirs, by authentic and valid deeds, their respective Proviso. rights in and to the said reservations: And provided, jizrthrr, That no sale or conveyance of said reservation, or any part thereof, by the said reservees, or either of them, shall be deemed regular or valid, nor shall this act have effect, until the President of the United States, or some officer to be by him designated, shall have approizcd such conveyance, and endorsed his approval thereon. Amutovr-nn, February 19, 1849. Feb. 19, 1849. Cru?. LVL-An Aet for the Relief of James P. Sexton and Joshua Holden. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the M5- }°· United States of America in Congress assembled, That James P. Sexallowed to com. ton is hereby permitted to complete his entry, and purchase a hall? Pl9¤> mm ¤]¤- quarter section of land, situate in the land district north of Red River g;°f,st§f °siQ:;Q} in the State of Louisiana, it being the east half of the south-west quarland. ter of section sixteen, township fifteen, range live east; and Joshua Holden is also authorized to enter the west half of the same quartersection. · bec?;;;,;;';" l° Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, That it shall be the duty of the in . . . . . · - lieu thereof. register of the land office and receiver of public moneys m the drstrict