Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/800

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750 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 3, 4, 5, 6. IS49. Jan. 8, 1849. CHAP. III. »—- An Actfdr the Reliqf of Hugh Riddle. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives zy" the gi Jigzim Mzited {States <y" America in Congress assembled, That the name of {?,wEdHughR;d_ Hugh Rxddlc, of the cnty and county of Schpnectady, and State of New die. York, be placed on the roll of ll'lV3.l1d pensnons, and that the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the said Hugh Riddle the sum of eight dollars per month, to commence on the first day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, during his natural life. Avpnovnp, January 8, 1849. Jan. 8, 1849. CHAP. IV. -:811, Aotfor the Reliqf of Elisha Thomason. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Elisha. Th0m— United States of America in Congress assembled, That Elisha Thomjgglpliggiffegf ason is hereby permitted lo complete his entry and purchase of the fyyand purchase north-east quarter of section sixteen, ID township fifteen, range five <>f ¤ certain tract east, in the land district north of Red River: Provided, however, That °f 1**1*4* said Thomason shall first procure and filo with the register of tho dis- Pr°ws°' triot the assent, in writing, of the commissioners of schools, and a majority of the free white adult male inhabitants of the township in which said land lies, to such entry and purchase.

 Other 1in5d f<> Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, If such entry and purchase shall

ssh;;;";; lis; be made by said Thomason in pursuance of the section aforesaid, than thereof. the register of the land offico and receiver of public money in said distriot, under the directions of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall select and reserve for the use of schools in said township, other land in the same or adjoining township, of the same extent and quality with those which said Thomason is hereby allowed to enter and purchase as aforesaid. Avrnovma, January 8, 1849. Jan. 8, 1849. Cru?. V. —— An Act for the Rcliqf of Zilp/za White. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Zil1>h¤Whi¢¤'S United States of America in Congress asscmbkd, That the Secretary Qfggjd gz ta; of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the revolutionary name of Zilpha White, widow of William White, of Tolland, Cou- P°“si°“ mn- necticut, to be placed upon the pension list, for six months' services of her husband as a private soldier in the revolutionary war, her pension to commence on the fourth of March, eighteen hundred and forty- seven. To have the Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said Zilpha White shall bc Eggfm °f f“’“’° entitled to the full benefit of all laws which may hereafter be enacted, ` continuing in force the acts mentioned in the foregoing section. Approved, January 8, 1849. Jan. 8, 1849. CHAP. VI. —-An Actfm· the Reliqf of Philip J. Fontané. Be it enacted by the Senate and House J Representatives of the t P· ·kF<>¤*¤¥}§ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Seorétafy loooiufulggr of the Treasury pay to Philip J, Fomané, out of any money ln the éalaxzcc due him treasury not otherwise appropriated, one. thousand dollars m full for f°' m°°°” "°’k- balance due him for mason work done at Love Kc y beacon, undef 8 contract with the collector of Key West. Anxngovma, January 8, 1849.