Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/79

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TlVEN’].`X'-NINTII CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1846. 53 Sac 4. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act of the Repeal of so third of March, eighteen hundred and forty-five, entitled "An Act for §}“,°Sza°;,;h§8a;; the Admission of the States of Iowa and Florida into the Union," is inbonsistent relating to the said State of Iowa, as is inconsistent with the pro· "¤’*`=‘“l'—h- visions of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed. A.i>r>novnn, August 4, 1846. Cru?. LXXXIV. — An Act to establish a. Ware/musing System, and to amend an Aug. 6, 1846. Jet entitled “:In ./ht to proridc Revenue from Imports, and to change and ""—"""`°°"' modify existing Laws imposing Duties on Imports, and for ather Purposes." mm- °h· 270- Be it enacted by the Senate and House q" Representatives of the Act ¤i' 1843, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the twelfth gfkengggj $$1** section of the act entitled "· An Act to provide Revenue from Imports, Ante, p, 4:;, g 7_ and to change and modify existing Laws imposing Duties on Imports, and for other Purposes," approved the thirtieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, is hereby amended so as hereafter to read as follows : — [Sec. 12.] And be it further enacted, That, on and after the day this act goes into operation, the duties on Dunes to be all imported goods, wares, or merchandise, shall be paid in cash: mid i¤ cash- Provided, That in all cases of failure or neglect to pay the duties Pwviso. within the period allowed by law to the importer to make entry thereot, or whenever the owner, importer, or consignee, shall make entry for warehousing the same, in writing, in such form and supported by such proof as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, the said goods, wares, or merchandise, shall be taken possession of by the collector, and deposited in the public stores, or in other stores to be agreed on by the collector or chief revenue officer of the port and the importer, owner, or consignee, the said stores to be secured in the rnanner provided for by the first section of the act of the twentieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, entitled "An 1818,cb. 129 Act providing for the Deposit of Wines and distilled Spirits in public Warehouses, and for other Purposes," there to be kept with due and reasonable care, at the charge and risk of the owner, importer, consignee, or agent, and subject at all times to their order, upon pay- ment of the proper duties and expenses, to be ascertained on due entry thereof for warehousing, and to be secured by a bond of the owner, importer, or consignee, with surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector, in double the amount of the said duties, and in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe: Provided, Proviso. That no merchandise shall be withdrawn from any warehouse in which it may be deposited, in a less quantity than in an entire package, bale, cask, or box, unless in bulk; nor shall merchandise so imported in bulk be delivered, except in the whole quantity of each parcel, or in a quantity not less than one ton weight, unless by special Collector to authority of the Secretary of the Treasury. And in case the owner, €°*;d¤ f*° importer, consignee, or agent, of any goods on which the duties have reéxgclsgzon E); not been paid, shall give to the collector satisfactory security that the certain cases. said goods shall be landed out of the jurisdiction of the United States, in the manner now required by existing laws relating to exportations for the benefit of drawback, the collector and naval officer, if any, on an entry to reéxport the same, shall, upon payment of the appropriate expenses, permit the said goods, under the inspection of the proper officers, to be shipped without the payment of any duties thereon. And in case Goods mmm_ any goods, wares, or merchandise, deposited as aforesaid, shall remain ing in store bein public store beyond one year, without payment of the duties and gf? 'gfgisiiagsg charges thereon, then said goods, wares, or merchandise, shall be ap-