Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/722

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672 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158,159, 160, 161. 1846. $i°¤ of $8 PGP Jacobs, late a laborer of ordnance in the service of the United States, m°"t‘ on the roll of invalid pensioners, and to pay him eight dollars per month, to commence on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty six, and to continue during his natural life. Approved, August 8, 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. CHAP. CLVIII. -·- An Act for the Relief of Samuel D. Enoch:. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 5am_ D_ Enochs United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary to be paid $@0 of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any F°"“““¥’°I°s"“ mone s in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Samuel D. the service of the Y . . . . U_ g_ Enochs, the sum of eighty dollars, in full compensation for his mare, which ran on, and has never since been heard of, while he was separated from her to do guard duty on foot in the service of the United States. Approved, August 8, 1846. Aug_ 3, ]g45_ CHAP. CLIX. - An Act for go! glzeilgezs and legal Representatives bf Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Legal ,ep,.,,_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be sentatives of Cy- paid to the heirs and legal representatives of Cyrus 1 urner, deceased, ’“S il"’“°’ “’ the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid out of any li; iiggsiiiiiiggg moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; which sum Iof ¤9mmi**¤d_ by money shall be in full of all demands for depredations and injuries Swux Iudmm committed by that band of Sioux Indians known and designated as _ the North Sursitons or Lake Traverse Indians; which sum of money Smd Sum t° bs shall be deducted from any annuity which may now be, or hereafter deducted from , , . . Sioux annuities. may become, due from this government to said band of Indians. Ammovnn, August 8, 1846. Aug. 8, 1846. CHAP. CLX. —— An Het granting a Pension. to Abraham Ansman. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the . f G United States if America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary P;?;?,? ,,°;j,,§,_ of War be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to place the ed to Abraham name of Abraham Ansman, of Clermont county, in. the State of A““"‘*“· Ohio, on the roll of invalid pensions, at the rate of six dollars per month, to continue during his natural life, and commence from the iirst day of January, anno Domini eighteen hundred and forty-six. Approved, August 8, 1846. Aug 3, ]846, CHA?. CLXI. —-An Act granting- a Pension to Elyalz C. Babbit. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ 4 United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary P; ,,°j§,,§,_ of War is hereby directed to place the name of Elijah C. Babbit on edtoE.C.Babbit. the list of invalid pensioners of the United States; and that said Babbit be entitled to receive a pension of four dollars per month, from the iirst day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and to continue during his natural life. Approved, August 8, 1846.