Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/713

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 120,121,122, 123. 1846. 663 land, under such rules and regulations as the Commissioner of the General Land Office may prescribe, the said James A. Whiteside is hereby authorized to locate and enter, in lieu thereof; an equal quan- Authorized to tity of land to that so surrendered, any where in the said land district <a¤¤=* l=¤¤<lS in unsold, and to which no preémption right attaches: Provided, That 1'°" u""°°£ said entry shall be made within six months after the passage of this act. Approved, August 8, 1846. CHAP. CXX. —An dctforthe Relief of Peter Rife. Aug. 8, 1846. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary pm; mrs to of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to place the ’?,°°l§3¤P°"sl°¤ name of Peter Rife, of Wythe county, Virginia, upon the revolution- gang Pu m` ary pension roll, and pay him a pension of thirty dollars per annum, commencing on the first day of January, anno Domini eighteen hundred and forty-four. Approved, August, 8, 1846. Crur. CXXI. -.811 AetfortMReli4'qf Jose Carzillo. Aug- 8, 1846- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the "i'—‘ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- Pam, ,-0,. c,,,,_ sioner of the General Land Office be, and he is hereby, authorized and tain land in aurequired to issue to Jose Carxillo, of the county of Hancock and State §““‘f‘· ,mzl";l:: of Mississippi, a patent to the north-west~quarter of section twenty- ¤l)5,’;,, g,,;,,,,,,,; six, of township nine, range sixteen west, in the Augusta land dis- *¤-l°==¤ U¤·¤iIl¤· trict of Mississippi. Approved, August 8, 1846. Crur. CXXII. — dn ddjbr thekeliefqfllary Campbell, Widow of John Campbell. Aug. 8, 1846. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ry' America in Congress assembled, That Mary Camp- bc,,¥0"{Bc‘,-i,!:',?; bell, of the county of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, pension of $30 widow of John Campbell, late a soldier of the revolutionary war, be PW ¤¤¤¤¤¤· placed upon the pension roll under the provisions of the act of Congress passed July four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and that she i836,¤b·$6!· be paid a pension at the rate of thirty dollars annually, in accordance with the provisions of said act, to commence the ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. Apenovnn, August 8, 1846. Can. CXXIII.·—.»9n Act for the Relief of the Heirs orlegal Representativesqf Aug. 8, 1846. Thomas Kelly. "_*"' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives nf the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commis- Duplicate war. sioner of the General Land Office be, and is hereby, authorized toissue ,':“.}.,f;,l’,:s’;€:j;b to the legal representatives of Thomas Kelly a duplicate warrant, in in lieu of vmlieu of warrant number nine hundred and fifty-nine, for one hundred ”*¤‘ N°· 9*9- acres of land. Approved, August 8, 1846.