Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/645

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 33. 1851. 619 For commutation of officers subsistence, five hundred and seventy Commutation. thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine dollars. For commutation of forage for officers horses, one hundred and three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars. For payments in lieu of clothing for officers servants, thirty-five thousand` seven hundred and twenty dollars. For expenses of recruiting, fifty-four thousand and forty-eight dol- Recruitio. lars. For three months' extra pay to non-commissioned officers, musicians, Three month! and privates, ten thousand dollars. °X"°· Pay- For subsistence in kind, one million seventy-six thousand fifteen Subsistence. dollars and fifteen cents. For clothing for the army, camp and garrison equipage, &.c., two Clothing. hundred and forty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and sixty-tive cents. , For the regular supplies of the quartermaster’s department, consist- Supplies or the ing of fuel, forage in kind for the authorized number of officers horses, g¤¤“*€*m**i*°"" and for the horses, mules, and oxen of the quartermaster’s department, EPM men ` at the several military posts and stations, and the armies in the field, and for the horses of the first and second regiments of dragoons, the eight companies of light artillery, the regiment of mounted riflemen, and the mounted infantry, of straw for soldiers bedding, and of stationery, including company and other blank books for the army, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermaster’s departments, and for the printing of division and department orders and army regulations, six hundred and thirty thousand dollars. For the incidental expenses of the quartermaster’s department, con- Incidental ex. sisting of postage on letters and packets received and sent by officers Pemes °f *]‘° of the army on public service, expenses of courts martial and courts ggggiiinnggiiers of inquiry, including the additional compensation to judge advocates, recorders, members, and witnesses, while on that service, under the act of March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and two, extra pay to sol- 1802, ch. 9. diers employed in the erection of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and hospitals, the construction of roads and other constant labor, under the direction of the quartermasters department, for periods of not less than ten days, under the act of the second of March, one thousand 1819, eh. 45. eight hundred and nineteen, expenses of expresses to and from the frontier posts and armies in the field, of escorts to paymasters, other tlisbursing officers and trains, where military escorts cannot be furnished, expense of the interment of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, hire of laborers in the quartermaster’s department, including hire of interpreters, spies, and guides for the army, compensation of clerks to officers of the quartermaster’s department, compensation of forage and wagon masters, authorized by the act of July, one thousand 1838, eh. 162. eight hundred and thirty-eight, for the apprehension of deserters and the expenses incident to their pursuit, the various expenditures required for the first and second regiments of dragoons, the eight companies of light artillery, the regiment of mounted riflemen, and the mounted infantry, including the ptirchase of travelling forges, blacksmith’s and shoeing tools, horse and mule shoes, iron, hire of veterinary surgeons and medicines for horses and mules, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For the purchase of horses required for the first and second regi- Horses. ments of dragoons, the eight companies of light artillery, the regiment of mounted rifiemen, and the mounted infantry, sixty thousand dollars. ·For constructing, repairing, and enlarging barracks, quarters, hos- _Barracks,hospltals, storehouses, stables, wharves, and ways at the several posts and Ex;;; &;l°"" army depots, for temporary cantonments, and the authorized furniture ’ for the barracks, rooms of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, gun-