Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/634

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608 THIR.TY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. l85l. Attorney-Gon- For salaries of the attorney-general, and the clerks and messenger °“l· &°· in his office, ten thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the office of the attorney-general, five hundred dollars. Reporter. For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, thirteen hundred dollars, if only one volume of the reports shall be published as heretofore; and in case the Supreme Court shall direct him to publish two volumes, then the sum of thirteen hundred dollars for each volume so published. District attor- For compensation of the district attorneys, being two hundred ¤¤>’S· dollars each, as prescribed by law, eight thousand eight hundred dollars. Marshals. For compensation of the marshals, seven thousand four hundred dollars. Miscellaneous. For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia, also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and previous years, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, five hundred and ninety- two thousand seven hundred and forty-seven dollars. Lighthouses. Lighthouse Establishment.·—For supplying lighthouses, containing _Supplies for three thousand and ninety-three lamps, with oil, tube glasses, wicks, l‘€h‘h°““s· buff skins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transportation, and other expenses on the same, and for repairing and keeping in repair the lighting apparatus, one hundred and fifty-two thousand and eighty-one dollars and fifty-nine cents. Repairs, &o., For repairs and incidental expenses, relitting and improvements of °f hBh*h°““S· lighthouses and buildings connected therewith, eighty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight dollars and sixty-four cents. Salaries, &o. For salaries of three hundred and two keepers of lighthouses and twenty assistants, (twenty-five of them charged with double and two with triple lights,) and including one thousand two hundred dollars for salary of an inspector of lights on the upper lakes, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand and three dollars and thirty-three cents. Fl¤¤fi¤siiehlS· For seamen’s wages, repairs, and supplies of forty floating lights, eighty-six thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars and twenty-four cents. Beacons,buoys, For expenses of weighing, mooring, and cleansing, repairing, and &°· supplying losses of beacons, buoys, chains and sinkers, thirty-seven thousand and eight dollars and two cents. $¤l¤ri¢S- For salarie of forty keepers of doating lights, twenty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Buperiuwrd- For expenses of superintendents in visitin lighthouses annually, °“t°‘ and reporting their condition, two thousand dollars. _Tlieir commis- For superintendents’ commissions at two and a half per cent. on °‘°“‘· five hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred and fifty-six dollars and eighty-two cents, appropriated above, for lighthouse purposes, twelve thousand nine hundred and eight dollars and ninety-two cents : Certaincollee- Provided, That the collectors at the several ports at which the col-

  • °" F°t **3* fs lector has heretofore discharged the duties or acted as superintendents

www °D gn S' of lights, shall continue to discharge them, and to act as such: And proviso_ provided, further, That collectors whose compensation exceeds twenty- five hundred dollars, shall receive no compensation as superintendents of lights, or disbursing agents. _ Hospitals. H0spitaL¤.—For completion of the marine hospital ut Chicago, Illinois, four thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars.