Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/631

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A THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1851. 605 For miscellaneous items, including subscriptions to two daily Washington newspapers, four hundred dollars. In the office of the Surgeon·General. For blank books, binding, stationery, and priming, one hundred and seventy-five dollars. For miscellaneous items, one hundred dollars. In the office of the Colonel of Ordnance. For blank books, binding, stationery, and printing, five hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, three hundred and fifty dollars. In the bureau of Topographical Engineers. For blank books, binding, stationery, &.c., seven hundred and fifty dollars. For labor, five hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. .ZVm·th·west Executive BuiZding.—For compensation of the superin- _ N- W- pxccutendent and four watchmen of the north-west executive building, two t“'° l’“‘1d“‘g‘ thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses for said building, namely, for labor, fuel, and light, two thousand four hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, sixteen hundred dollars. Building corner of F. and Seventeenth Streets. -For rent of house Buildirig coron north-west corner of F. and Seventeenth Streets, and warming all ggzegfeenihgg the rooms in it, twenty-one thousand eight hundred and seventydive ' dollars. For compensation of superintendent and four watchmen of the building corner of F. and Seventeenth Streets, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses for said building, namely, for labor, live hundred and forty dollars. For miscellaneous items, eight hundred and sixty dollars. Navy Department.—For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, Navy departand the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger in his office, twenty- ¤°¤°· two thousand dollars. S°°'°t”Y· &"· For compensation of the chief of the bureau of construction, equip- Bureau of ment, and repairs, and the assistant constructor, draftsman, clerks, °°”“'“°*i°“· and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand six hundred dollars. For compensation of the naval constructor and the engineer-in-chief, six thousand dollars. For compensation of the chief of the bureau of ordnance and hydrog- Bureau of ordraphy, and of draftsmen, clerks, and messenger in his office, nine §:*“°° ind h5" thousand four hundred dollars. Ogmp y` For compensation of the chief of the bureau of navy yards and docks, Bureau or uuand of the civil engineer, draftsman, clerks, and messenger in his £'°k3’·“l’ ud office, twelve fhousand six hundred dollars; the chief clerk being 5,],,:,y of cme; gestured to the salary he received as chief clerk to the late navy clerkoard. For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the bureau of jthueauotpi-o- provisions and clothing, seven thousand three hundred dollars. 3Q3Q2z_ and For the annual salary of the chief of the bureau of medicine and. _§ureauofmed. surgery, three thousand dollars. ‘°m° me ““"g°` For compensation of the assistant surgeon, clerks, and messenger in ry' the office of the chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery, four thousand seven hundred dollars. Contingencies of the Navy Department. Contingencies. For contingencies of the navy department, and all the bureaux con- ¤€0tGd therewith, namely, for blank books, binding, stationery, printing, labor, hud ofrice rent, six thousand nine hundred and thirty dollar . S_ W_ exec Swth-west Executive Building. --For compensation of the superin- utive buaidiug.