Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/624

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598 THIR.'1‘Y—F1R.ST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32. 1851. After twelve Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That after the expiration of

‘;°’{);hSg1’;(;;P‘;;f the twelve months aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the register and

spectgng the receiver, pursuant to such instructions as may be given by the commerits of Said missioner of the general land office, to make a report with the notices, °lm°°' and all the testimony, to the general land office, specifying all such cases as in their opinion came within the principles recognized under the several heads mentioned in the foregoing section, and which according to those principles ought to be confirmed, and such as in their opinion ought to be rejected. _Report to be Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the 1"?;Sb°f°'° C"' commissioner of the general land office to lay the report aforesaid g C;.,;,,,,, mmm. before Congress for final action thereon, and all claims recommended jqzggggoqocvgé for confirmation shall be reserved from sale imtil the final action of pcmvcd {mm Congress on the report aforesaid, and all claims reported as rejected sale. shall be treated as other public lands. aS1;l;§‘;:t:jP";;tf>‘; Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the claims numbers forty, ,,6,,,,,,; as other forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, and fifty-oue, l>¤g}El¤¤<Ei 44 favorably reported on by Daniel J. Sutton, as register for the district 4_5’46:'f.Z48,’,mé north of Red River, Louisiana, and entered in the first class of his 51, favorably ie- report, dated first January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, but on gigs J°“ sf; account of being within the limits of the Bastrop grant, have been ,0,,, c,,,,,;,,,,,,, excluded from the confirmatory provisions of the second section of the iu th¢_¤v5=¤t_¤f act of Congress, approved February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred

 ,-:3,Yd,;§a°;’1'; and twenty-three, entitled "An Act supplementary to the several acts

United States. for the adjustment of land claims in the State of Louisiana," be, and 1823, ch. 18. the same shall be held confirmed, in the event of the final adjudication 1g2O- °h‘ gl- of the Bastrop claim in favor of the United States as aforesaid: Proonnrmatiou . . . . . to (,1,,,,,,,;,, my, vided, That this confirmation shall only operate as a relinquishment of as a relinquish- title on the part of the United States, and shall in no way prejudice or mwt °f ml°‘ affect any sale, or other right existing at the time when the survey shall Patents to is- be executed, of the claims hereby conditionally confirmed; and in the ’“°- event of the final adjudication of the Bastrop grant as aforesaid, and upon the return of approved plats of survey for the claims specified in this section, relinquishment patents shall be issued as in other cases. _ Preemption Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That in the event of a final

‘§l‘;mg";’:t,€:; adjudication, in favor of the United States, of the Bastrop claim, as

gn said 0mm_ contemplated by the first section of this act, every bona fide settler on any part of said land, at the time of the extension of the public surveys over the same, who is a man of family, widow, or single man over twenty-one years of age, and an actual housekeeper thereon, and who, but for the reservation heretofore made of said land for the claim of the said Bastrop, would have been entitled to a right of preemption under some one of the preemption laws, be, and he is hereby authorized to enter the quarter section so resided on, or by adjoining legal subdivisions, so as to include his residence and land cultivated or improved, any number of acres not to exceed one hundred and sixty Proof to be acres, upon making proof of such settlement, housekeeping, Soc., to “:j:° the satisfaction of the register and receiver, as in ordinary cases, at xgys m extend- any time within a year after the public surveys are so extended over ed over said said land. 1”°d’ Approved, March 3, 1851. M¤¤h 3, 185]-- Cin?. XXXH.—An Act making Appropriatimzs for the Civil and Diplomatic "*L;` Expenses of Government for the Year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and jijty-two, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following