Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/576

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550 THIRTY·-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess, I. Ch. 91. ISS!}. Ottoes and To the Olives and dHss0urz'as.—-For education, stipulated in the Ml,;j,°“'i°?· fourth article of the treaty of twenty-first September, eighteen hundred ummm' and thirty-three, five hundred dollars. Farmer. For payment of farmer, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty of twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirtyvthree, six ht.n· dred dollars. Blacksmiths. For blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of fifteenth July, eighteen hundred and thirty, seven hundred and twenty dollars. Iron and steel. For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. Om,w,,S_ To the Ottowas.-—For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth Annuities. article of the treaty of the third August, seventeen hundred and ninety- five, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity, stipulated in the second article of the treaty of seventeenth November, eighteen hundred and seven, eight hundred dollars. For permanent annuity, stipulated in the tburth article of the treaty of seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one thousand five hundred dollars. For permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-ninth August, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, one thousand dollars, Qttcwas aaa To the Ottawas and Chippewas. —-· For limited annuityystipulated in Cl1¥;P:;`*T??· the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hun- 1 ms' dred and thirty-six, thirty-thousand dollars. Interest on For interest to be paid as annuity on two hundred thousand dollars, g20O·°°°· per resolution of the Senate twenty-seventh May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, twelve thousand dollars. Education. For education, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty- eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty~six, five thousand dollars. Missions. For missions, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollars. Mcdmtmgst. For vaccine matter, medicines, and pay of physicians, stipulated in ¤¤¤¢· the fourth article of the treaty of twentyaeighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three hundred dollars. p,cv;S;0¤,_ For purchase of provisions, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand dollars. Tobacco, san, For six thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco, one hundred barmd b‘*"°l*’·· rels of salt, and five hundred fish barrels, stipulated in the tburth article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty- six, one thousand one hundred dollars. Blacksmiths. For three blacksmiths and assistants, stipulated in the seventh article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty- six, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. Ii-on and steel. For iron and steel for shops, six hundred and sixty dollars. Gunsmitb at For gunsmith at Mackinac, stipulated in the seventh article of the M°°k“‘“°· treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, six hundred dollars. _ Ima tmdsteel. For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. Farmers. For two farmers and assistants, stipulated by the seventh article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand six hundred dollars. Mechanics. For two mechanics, stipulated in the seventh article of the treaty of twenty-eighth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, one thousand two hundred dollars. $$3, on To the Osagcs.——For interest on sixtymine thousand one hundred $89,1%. and twenty dollars, at five per centum, being the valuation of 5Ry-four