Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/532

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506 THIRTY—FIR.ST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 78. 1850. Barracks, guar- For constructing, repairing, and enlarging barracks, quarters, hos-

  • °”» h°SP**‘*l°» pitals, storehouses, stables, wharves, and ways at the several posts and

°t°' depots, for temporary cantonments, gun-houses for the protection of cannon, including the necessary tools and materials for the objects enumerated, and for the authorized furniture of barrack-rooms of noncommissioned officers and soldiers, rent of quarters for officers, barracks and hospitals for troops when there are no public buildings for their accommodation, for storehouses for the safekeeping of military stores, and of grounds for summer cantonments and encampments, four hundred and sixty-five thousand one hundred and one dollars: Pra- Proviso as to vided, That eighteen thousand eight hundred dollars of saidrsum shall

•,*l*“*'Yt 1*,*;** °·l° be expended in the erection of a guard-house, powder magazine, repair

°wP°r ’ y' and enlargement of the barracks, the construction of culverts and sinks, the grading of the drill and parade grounds, and the construction of a stone wall on the Licking River side, for the protection and preservation of the public property, at the military post at Newport, in the State of Kentucky. Allowance to, For mileage, or the allowance made to onicers for the transportation {,*5;%; dug“'°l‘ of themselves and baggage when travelling on duty without troops, one ` hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Visitors to Mil- To supply deficiency in the appropriation for the expenses of the lm? A°°d°'”Y· visitors to the Military Academy at West Point, one thousand and ninety-four dollars and eighty-three cents. Purchase of a. For purchasing, walling, and ditching a piece of land near the city Qgfggigfuzzf of Mexico, for a cemetery or burial·ground, for such of the officers and co, oldiers of our army, in our late war with Mexico, as fell in battle, or Vol. X. P, 2y_ died in and around said city, and for the interment of American citizens who have died or may die in said city, to he expended under the direction of the President of the United States, ten thousand dollars. T¤¤¤p¤rf¤ti¤¤ For transportation of the army, including the baggage of the troops

 and "my when moving either by land or water, of clothing, camp, and garrison

equipage, and horse equipments, from the depots at Philadelphia and New York to the several posts and army depots; of subsistence, from the places of purchase and from the places of delivery, under contract, to such places as the circumstances of the services may require it to be sent; of ordinance, ordnance stores, and small arms, from the foundaries and the armories to the arsenals, fortiiications, frontier posts, and army depots; freights, tolls, and ferriages; the purchase and hire of horses, wagons, mules, oxen, carts, drays, ships, and other sea-going vessels and boats for the transportation of supplies; and for garrison purposes, drayage, and cartage at the several posts; .hire of teamsters, transportation o funds for the pay and other disbursing departments, the expenses of sailing public transports on the various rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Atlantic and Pacific, and of procuring water at such post as, from their situations, require it, one million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand and forty-two dollars. pagggptal dc- d 1:103 pedical and hospital departments, sixty-two thousand Eve hui? · re dollars. Armament. For armameutcof fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars. Ordnance. d Isiorhpurchaasei of ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, one htmre thousand ollar . _0rdnance scr- For current expenses of the ordnance service, one hundred thousand v"i$;°v,.°_ dollars: Provided, That the principal assistant in the ordnance bureau of the War Department shall receive a compensation not less than that of the person employed at the founderies, under the fifth section 1842, cn. 186. of the act approved twenty-third of August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, from and after the date thereof dNati¤¤a1s.i·mc- For manufacture of arms at the national armories, three hundred °'· and sixty thousand dollars.